Ting Tsui, PEng

Associate Professor, Director
Email: tttsui@uwaterloo.ca
Location: QNC 4604
Phone: 519-888-4567 x38404
After completing his doctoral degree from Rice University, Houston, Texas, Professor Ting Tsui joined Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) as a Senior Materials Engineer to study mechanical reliability of copper/low-k technology for the integrated circuits. His interests in processing technology landed him a position at the Texas Instruments Inc. (TI). At TI, Tsui developed low-k thin films for Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposited (PECVD) interlayer dielectric and dielectric barriers for 90 nm, 65 nm, and 45 nm technology node. He is also interested in the small scale mechanical aspect of these materials, such as thin film channel cracking and delamination. In 2007, Tsui began his appointment at the University of Waterloo and research in the areas of porous ultra-low-dielectric constant materials, nano-mechanics, thin film mechanical properties, and nanoindentaion.
Research Interests
- Integrate circuits, PECVD, Low-k dielectrics, Nanoindentation, Fracture, Semi-conductors, Nanotechnology, Ceramics, Adhesion, Plasma-Enhanced chemical vapor deposition, Porous ultra-low-dielectric constant materials, Nano-mechanics, Thin film mechanical properties
Scholarly Research
Research Interests :
Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition
Porous Ultra-low-dielectric Constant Materials
Thin Film Mechanical Properties
Symposium Organizer
"Reliability and Properties of Electronic Devices on Flexible Substrates", Fall Meeting of the Materials Research Society, Boston, (2008)
“Materials, Technology and Reliability of Low-k Dielectrics and Copper Interconnects†Spring Meeting of the Materials Research Society, San Francisco, (2006).
“Symposium on integration and reliability of copper interconnects and low-k dielectrics†at the ASME-sponsored MMC 2001 conference in San Diego, (2001).
Journal Reviewer
Thin Solid Films
International Journal of Fracture
Journal of Applied Physics
Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology
- 1997, Doctorate Materials Science, Rice University , U.S.A.
- 1992, Master's Materials Science, Rice University, U.S.A.
- 1990, Bachelor's Ceramic Engineering, Clemson University, U.S.A.
- 2005 Outstanding Meeting Paper Award, Materials Research Society, Spring Meeting
- 2006 Invited Speaker, Gordon Research Conference, Thin Film & Small Scale Mechanical Behavior Session, Colby College, Waterville, Maine
- ECE 109 - Materials Chemistry for Engineers
- Taught in 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
- NANO 600 - Introduction to Nanotechnology
- Taught in 2022
- NE 100 - Introduction to Nanotechnology Engineering
- Taught in 2020, 2022, 2023, 2024
- NE 318 - Continuum Mechanics for Nanotechnology Engineering
- Taught in 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
* Only courses taught in the past 5 years are displayed.
Selected/Recent Publications
- Seo, Brandon B and Gu, Junhua and Jahed, Zeinab and Tsui, Ting Y, Influence of grain boundary modifier on the strength size-dependence displayed by complex-shaped nanocrystalline nickel pillars, Thin Solid Films, 178, 2017
- Jahed, Zeinab and Shahsavan, Hamed and Verma, Mohit S and Rogowski, Jacob L and Seo, Brandon B and Zhao, Boxin and Tsui, Ting Y and Gu, Frank X and Mofrad, Mohammad RK, Bacterial networks on hydrophobic micropillars, ACS nano, 675, 2017
- Seo, Brandon B and Jahed, Zeinab and Coggan, Jennifer A and Chau, Yeung Yeung and Rogowski, Jacob L and Gu, Frank X and Wen, Weijia and Mofrad, Mohammad RK and Tsui, Ting Yiu, Mechanical Contact Characteristics of PC3 Human Prostate Cancer Cells on Complex-Shaped Silicon Micropillars, Materials, 892, 2017
- Moussa, Hassan I and Logan, Megan and Siow, Geoffrey C and Phann, Darron L and Rao, Zheng and Aucoin, Marc G and Tsui, Ting Y, Manipulating mammalian cell morphologies using chemical-mechanical polished integrated circuit chips, Science and Technology of advanced MaTerialS, 839, 2017
- Lee, Jung-A and Lee, Dong-Hyun and Seok, Moo-Young and Choi, In-Chul and Han, Heung Nam and Tsui, Ting Y and Ramamurty, Upadrasta and Jang, Jae-il, Significant strengthening of nanocrystalline Ni sub-micron pillar by cyclic loading in elastic regime, Scripta Materialia, 31, 2017
Graduate studies
- Currently considering applications from graduate students. A completed online application is required for admission; start the application process now.