
Graduate Courses – Nanotechnology Graduate Studies

The interdisciplinary nature of the Collaborative Nanotechnology Graduate Program allows students from different departments and disciplines to attend common program elective courses together.

Course Enrolment

There are several methods of registering for graduate courses in the Nanotechnology program, depending on the level of the course and whether the student is taking the course towards their degree, or as an extra or audit.

Most, graduate programs require that students register in register for  600/700 level courses on Quest unless the course requires Instructor consent.  If consent is required, you must have the instructor sign an ADD form and bring it to your program coordinator’s office where you will be given a Permission number to register for the Course on Quest.

Drop and Add forms should be used to register for 500-level courses, and courses taken as extras, or as audits. The instructor's signature is required, and you will require your supervisor's signature on the form and then drop the form off at your program coordinator’s office.

looking at microscopic technology

Nanotechnology Courses

While each department has its own degree requirements, there are similarities among the member departments’ requirements, including the requirements to complete Introduction to Nanotechnology (NANO 600), nanotechnology core courses (NANO 60X), and the nanotechnology seminar.

Graduate Nanotechnology Collaborative Program Core Courses

Course Code

Course Title

Term Offered*

NANO 600

Introduction to Nanotechnology


NANO 601

Characterization of Nanomaterials


NANO 602

Structure and Spectroscopy of Nanoscale Materials


NANO 603



NANO 604

Nanomechanics and Molecular Dynamics Simulations


NANO 605

Design of MEMS & NEMS NANO


NANO 606

Advanced Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems: Physics, Design & Fabrication


*Course offerings are subject to change

Core courses (NANO 60X) are designed to provide the base knowledge and skill set required to prepare students for more specialized courses and to conduct interdisciplinary nanoscale research.