Hemant Arora

Ph.D. Candidate

Hemant has obtained his bachelor degree in Civil Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology, (BHU) and a master's degree in Water Management from Delft University of Technology, Netherlands. He is a recipient of TU Delft Institute Climate Scholarship. For his master’s thesis, he has worked on the operational aspects of Slow Sand Filters (SSF) in collaboration with Dunea, A Dutch water utility. He has worked on Optimizing the Ripening period (formation of biological layer on sand bed) of SSF by varying the operational parameters.

Prior to joining the NSERC Chair in September 2019 to pursue his Ph.D, he has worked as a programme officer at a non-profit organisation in India working on Feacal Sludge and Septage Management. His Ph.D research focuses on manganese removal from groundwater using biofilters.  He has also worked at International Water Association-Hague (IWA) on the WaCCliM project (Water and Wastewater Companies for Climate Mitigation ) focusing on the GHG emission reduction and increasing energy savings from water/wastewater utilities.