The Canadian Nutrition Society (CNS) hosted the 2016 annual conference in Gatineau, Quebec at the Hilton Lac-Leam on May 5th to 7th. The conference was primarily catered towards researchers, dietitians, and other nutrition professionals. Celia Laur, Jimmy McCullough, Tara McNicholl, and Renata Valaitis presented posters on the More-2-Eat project. Professor Heather Keller mediated a global debate on diagnosing malnutrition and also gave a talk about preliminary results from the Making the Most of Mealtimes study.

“Development of a reliable tool to assess knowledge, attitudes and practices of hospital staff concerning nutrition care practices in Canadian hospitals.”
Authors: Laur, Celia; Marcus, Hannah; Got, Tiffany; Keller, Heather

“Nutrition care in hospital: Using focus groups and interviews to examine current nutrition care practices in Canadian Hospitals.”
Authors: Laur, Celia; Murphy, Joseph; Keller, Heather

“My Meal Intake Tool (M-MIT) – Validation of a novel food intake monitoring tool for acute care hospital patients.”
Authors: McCullough, James; Keller, Heather

“The More-2-Eat project: Measurements for detecting frailty in older adults in an acute care setting.”
Authors: McNicholl, Tara; Keller, Heather

“The More-2-Eat project: Preliminary audit of nutrition practices in 5 Canadian hospitals.”
Authors: Valaitis, Renata; Laur, Celia; Barnes, Stephanie; Booth, Michelle; Butterworth, Donna; Keller, Heather

“The More-2-Eat Project: Preliminary baseline data on adult patients’ perceptions of their health, quality of life and mealtime experiences in hospital.”
Authors: Valaitis, Renata; Laur, Celia; Barnes, Stephanie; Butterworth, Donna; Nasser, Roseann; Cowan, Shannon; Keller, Heather