Welcome to Open Waterloo

This site showcases a collection of open online resources for learning and knowledge creation/dissemination at the University of Waterloo. Open resources are freely available to users online, accessible by anyone from anywhere without discrimination and can be found in many formats from text and data, to audio, video and multi-media. 

Waterloo's Open Teaching and Learning Initiatives

Waterloo has created a number of great open teaching and learning resources to help instructors with their online teaching. We have tools to help improve course design, humanize virtual learning, incorporate user experience design for learning, assist with inclusion, diversity, equity and accessibility requirements and more.

Highlighted Resources

Waterloo's Open Initiatives

Open sites are having an impact!

Other open materials

If you're interested in making informed decisions about the ways you can make your research, scholarship, and instructional content accessible within your community visit the Open Scholarship at Waterloo website.”