
The birth of orchestra@uwaterloo was made possible through the generous support of the Associate Provost of Human Resources and Student Services, the University of Waterloo Staff Association, and some private donations. Our players pay memberships fees to help cover our operating costs.

In 2017 the leadership of the orchestra@uwaterloo was transferred to the Music Department at Conrad Grebel University College.  This will provide more support for orchestra students and allow them to either take orchestra for credit or pay the orchestra fee.

However, donations that help sustain the orchestra@uwaterloo are still very much appreciated and needed. For example, two donors recently gave money which allowed us to purchase an A clarinet for orchestra use.  If you are interested in donating, please see this Grebel webpage.  We are committed to keeping expenses at a minimum while providing a quality musical experience for our players and our audiences. Your donations will be used wisely and well. Thank you for considering this request.