We strive to create and participate in a community in the lab and in the broader academic sphere that embodies inclusivity, embraces diversity, and prioritizes equity. We strive to train scientists who are collegial, collaborative, creative, and conscientious.
Undergraduate Students
There are available opportunities for undergraduates to get engaged with the work ongoing in our research program. We currently are accepting students for Honors Senior Projects (Fall/Winter/Spring). If you are interested in working in the lab for a BIOL499 Honor Thesis Project, please send a statement of interest along with your resume/ CV to our Dr. Natoya Peart (natoya.peart@uwaterloo.ca). Other opportunities may be available and students are encouraged to reach out to me so that we can discuss funding opportunities for undertaking undergraduate research experiences, for such inquires please include a statement of interest and CV and transcript as relevant.
Graduate students
We are currently considering applications for MSc or PhD graduate student positions, please note we are no longer considering applications for Fall 2024. Applicants are expected to have complete a BSc (for MSc) or thesis-based MSc (for PhD) in Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Cell Biology or related field. Interested applicants should contact Dr. Natoya Peart (natoya.peart@uwaterloo.ca), please include CV, relevant transcripts and a statement of research interest.
We encourage you to learn more about the University of Waterloo Department of Biology Graduate Studies program (Graduate studies | Department of Biology | University of Waterloo (uwaterloo.ca)) and the application procedure for the graduate studies Before you apply | Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs | University of Waterloo (uwaterloo.ca)
Postdoctoral Researcher/Fellows
Openings for postdoctoral researchers in the lab are based on the availability of current funding. Applicants for PDF are encouraged to discuss with Dr. Peart potential funding opportunities.