Professor, PhD

University of Waterloo
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1
Centre for Environmental Information Technology (EIT) 3105
Phone: 519-888-4567 ext. 35337
- Analysis or conduction and breakdown mechanisms in insulating materials under High Voltave (HV) stress
- Use of partial discharge and other high frequency components as diagnostic tools for insulation failure analysis
- High voltage engineering applications to industrial processes, and development of power supplies
- High voltage testing techniques
- Pulse power applications to electrostatics problems
- General Electric, Peterborough: High voltage coil insulation for large motors and generators.
- University of Western Ontario: Adjunct Professor, 1992-present. Have been working with Professor Castle in Applied Electrostatics area and co-supervised Rachel Feng for her MASc thesis work.
- University of Guelph: "Development of non-thermal sterilization methods using Pulse Power Application", Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Strategic Grant 1999-2002.
- McMaster University: "Control of particulate contamination, mercury and other trace elements in coal combustion flue-gas by advanced electrostatic precipitation techniques", NSERC Strategic Grant 1994-97, and Energy Saving Trust Advice Centre (ESTAC) Grant 1997-99, NSERC Collaborative Research and Development (CRD) matching fund, 1999-2000.
- Educating Advocates for a Change in Health (EACH) Engineering Inc.: With Dr. Edward Cherney's collaboration the area of polymeric insulation has been developed to a great extent at the University of Waterloo, where Dr. Cherney is appointed as an adjunct professor.
- Toyohashi University of Technology (TUT), Japan: Involved in co-supervising two graduate students with Profs. Kosaki and Nagao in the area of cryogenics and polymeric composite insulation system at TUT during my sabbatical.
- Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden: Involved in co-supervision of Hans Edin, a Ph.D. student with Dr. Uno Gafvert, and Professor Roland Erisksson, during my sabbatical.
- Flexible Engineered Solutions (FES) (Adwel3) International Ltd.: Have been supervising Testing of Generator Couples manufactured by FES (Adwel) International Ltd. Scarborough, Ontario.
- Swedish Government Fellowship: Tenured Faculty Review (TFR) Visiting Professor Program, "Women in engineering sciences" Fellowship - 770,000 SEK, 1999.
- Japanese Government Fellowship: Ministry of Education, Science, Sports, and Culture - 6,500,000 Yen, 1998/99.
- The 1998 State Award (Gold Medal) from Karnataka State, India - for contributions to Science & Technology Development.
- Member, NSERC Electromagnetics and Electrical Systems Grant Selection Committee, September 2000-July 2003.
- See Professor Jayaram's full publication list (PDF).
Graduate students and visitors supervision
- See Professor Jayaram's full list of graduate students and visitors supervised, both currently and in the past (PDF).