Research management

Records relating to the management of research in the university

Title ​Animal use in teaching and research
Location Office of research ethics; researchers
Legal authority University of Waterloo Act, 1972; Animals for Research Act, s. 17; Canadian Council on Animal Care guidelines; University of Waterloo Guidelines for the Care and Use of Animals in Teaching and Research
Information may include Names of researchers, contact information, funding, scope of project, including experimental design and procedures, third party opinions about individuals involved in the project, individual's own views or opinions
Uses To determine the granting of ethics clearance to research experiments involving animals 
Users Office of research ethics; animal care committee members
Individuals in bank Faculty, staff, students, post-docs, non-uWaterloo researchers
Retention To be determined
Disposition To be determined
Title ​Human research ethics clearance
Location Office of research ethics; researchers
Legal authority University of Waterloo Act, 1972; Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct of Research in Humans, Article 1.1; University of Waterloo Statement on Human Research; Food and Drug Regulation, C. R. C., c. 870, c. 05.012; Medical Devices Regulations (SOR/98-282); Health Canada Guidance for Records Related to Clinical Trials (Guide 0068), 2006
Information may include Names of researchers, contact information, funding, scope of project, including methodology and procedures, progress of project, third party opinions about individuals involved in the project, individual's own views or opinions
Uses To determine the granting of ethics clearance to research involving human participants, including clinical trials
Users Office of research ethics, members of relevant research ethics committee, government agencies as required
Individuals in bank Faculty, staff, students, post-docs, non-uWaterloo researchers, and, potentially, research participants
Retention To be determined
Disposition To be determined
Title Research study participant pools
Location Units collecting participant information
Legal authority University of Waterloo Act, 1972
Information may include Name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, gender, age, ethnicity, personal characteristics and interests, self-reported medical and/or psychological history
Uses To maintain a pool of potential participants for research studies
Users Researchers, staff in relevant units
Individuals in bank Volunteers for research studies
Retention To be determined
Disposition To be determined