Extensive experience in data analysis, machine learning, wireless sensor networks, pervasive computing, sensor network management, ambient intelligence, internet of things, autonomous systems, and fog computing. Backed by versatile experience in academia and tech industry in proactive innovation. Recognized as one of the most influential women in Internet of Things space by the Connected World forum. An adjunct assistant Professor at the University of Waterloo. A Doctorate degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Waterloo in patten analysis and machine intelligence. Experienced in managing research, proof-of-concept, and pilot projects. Strong relationship building and leadership skills resulted in managing numerous industrial and University projects. Experience in PhD and MSc. supervision. An active researcher who was recognized and awarded numerous prestigious scholarships, most prominent of which are NSERC IRDF, NSERC CGS, Fulbright, DAAD, and OGS. Recognized by the Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship as a Google scholar for her active role and leadership in supporting women in technology. Excellent communication skills as reflected in a strong publication/presentation portfolio. A active evangelist for responsible innovation, women in tech, and STEM. Excellent communication skills as reflected in a strong publication/presentation portfolio.