Earth 471 – Mineral Deposits


This course covers the genesis and localization of mineral deposits as well as the theoretical, economic, legal and technical aspects of mineral exploration. This course is designed for undergraduate students in their final year and for both geologists and geological engineers with a variety of backgrounds. The course is divided into lecture and laboratory components. The lecture component will involve PowerPoint presentations and chalkboard/whiteboard segments. The laboratory component is divided into two parts: (1) ore petrology using hand sample analysis and reflected light microscopy (groups of 3–4 students), and (2) an exploration project that involves core logging, geological map analysis, interpretation of geochemical data, and a final report of findings and recommendations (groups of 4 students). Students will also prepare an individual essay on a topic of their choice (upon approval from the instructor). The main goal of course is to provide an introduction to understanding the mineral exploration industry from exploration through mine development and closure.