
Author Title Type [ Year(Asc)]
Yakymchuk, C. . (2017). Behaviour of apatite during partial melting of metapelites and consequences for prograde suprasolidus monazite growth. Lithos, 274-275, 412-426. doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2017.01.009
Taner, M. F. , Drever, C. , Yakymchuk, C. , & Longstaffe, F. J. . (2017). Origin of graphite in the southwestern grenville province. Canadian Mineralogist, 55, 1041-1055. doi:10.3749/canmin.1700029
Yakymchuk, C. , Clark, C. , & White, R. W. . (2017). Phase Relations, Reaction Sequences and Petrochronology. Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry, 83, 13-53. doi:10.2138/rmg.2017.83.2
Spencer, C. J. , Yakymchuk, C. , & Ghaznavi, M. . (2017). Visualising data distributions with kernel density estimation and reduced chi-squared statistic. Geoscience Frontiers, 8, 1247-1252. doi:10.1016/j.gsf.2017.05.002
Brown, C. R. , Yakymchuk, C. , Brown, M. , Fanning, C. M. , Korhonen, F. J. , Piccoli, P. M. , & Siddoway, C. S. . (2016). From source to sink: Petrogenesis of cretaceous anatectic granites from the Fosdick migmatite-granite complex, West Antarctica. Journal of Petrology, 57, 1241-1278. doi:10.1093/petrology/egw039
Yakymchuk, C. , Brown, M. , Clark, C. , Korhonen, F. J. , Piccoli, P. M. , Siddoway, C. S. , Taylor, R. J. M. , et al. (2015). Decoding polyphase migmatites using geochronology and phase equilibria modelling. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 33, 203-230. doi:10.1111/jmg.12117
Yakymchuk, C. , Brown, C. R. , Brown, M. , Siddoway, C. S. , Fanning, C. M. , & Korhonen, F. J. . (2015). Paleozoic evolution of western Marie Byrd Land, Antarctica. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 127, 1464-1484. doi:10.1130/B31136.1
Yakymchuk, C. , & Brown, M. . (2014). Behaviour of zircon and monazite during crustal melting. Journal of the Geological Society, 171, 465-479. doi:10.1144/jgs2013-115
Yakymchuk, C. , & Brown, M. . (2014). Consequences of open-system melting in tectonics. Journal of the Geological Society, 171, 21-40. doi:10.1144/jgs2013-039
Yakymchuk, C. , Brown, M. , Ivanic, T. J. , & Korhonen, F. J. . (2013). Leucosome distribution in migmatitic paragneisses and orthogneisses: A record of self-organized melt migration and entrapment in a heterogeneous partially-molten crust. Tectonophysics, 603, 136-154. doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2013.05.022
Yakymchuk, C. , Siddoway, C. S. , Fanning, C. M. , Mcfadden, R. , Korhonen, F. J. , & Brown, M. . (2013). Anatectic reworking and differentiation of continental crust along the active margin of Gondwana: A zircon Hf-O perspective from West Antarctica. Geological Society Special Publication, 383, 169-210. doi:10.1144/SP383.7
Yakymchuk, C. , Harris, L. B. , & Godin, L. . (2012). Centrifuge modelling of deformation of a multi-layered sequence over a ductile substrate: 1. Style and 4D geometry of active cover folds during layer-parallel shortening. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 101, 463-482. doi:10.1007/s00531-011-0682-y
Yakymchuk, C. , & Godin, L. . (2012). Coupled role of deformation and metamorphism in the construction of inverted metamorphic sequences: An example from far-northwest Nepal. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 30, 513-535. doi:10.1111/j.1525-1314.2012.00979.x
Harris, L. B. , Yakymchuk, C. , & Godin, L. . (2012). Implications of centrifuge simulations of channel flow for opening out or destruction of folds. Tectonophysics, 526-529, 67-87. doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2011.05.002
Harris, L. B. , Godin, L. , & Yakymchuk, C. . (2012). Regional shortening followed by channel flow induced collapse: A new mechanism for "dome and keel" geometries in Neoarchaean granite-greenstone terrains. Precambrian Research, 212-213, 139-154. doi:10.1016/j.precamres.2012.04.022
Godin, L. , Yakymchuk, C. , & Harris, L. B. . (2011). Himalayan hinterland-verging superstructure folds related to foreland-directed infrastructure ductile flow: Insights from centrifuge analogue modelling. Journal of Structural Geology, 33, 329-342. doi:10.1016/j.jsg.2010.09.005
