
Author Title Type Year(Desc)
Watt, W. D., Scott, D., & Ray, S.. (1979). Acidification and other chemical changes Halifax County lakes after 21 years. Limnology and Oceanography, 24(6), 1154-1161.
Scott, D. J.. (1981). Computer aided graphics: determining system size, estimating costs and savings. Computers in Industry, 2(1), 23-30. Elsevier.
Scott, D. J., & Parker, P. K.. (1996). Ontario cottages: impacts and responses to the Great Lakes shoreline hazard. GREAT LAKES GEOGRAPHER, 3, 53-68. THE UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO.
Scott, D.. (1999). Redeeming the Blue Box: Complaints that recycling is too expensive just don't add up. Alternatives Journal, 25(4), 16. Alternatives Journal.
Armitage, D., Gertsch, F., Giles, A., Huang, K., Hui, B., Lenton, J., Scott, D., et al. (1999). Climate Change and National Parks in Ontario: A Screening Level Assessment. Pollock-Ellwand, N., Van Osch, K., Nelosn, JG, Beechey, T., Stephenson, W., and Marsh, J. Parks and Protected Areas Research in Ontario, 241-249.
Scott, D.. (1999). Equal opportunity, unequal results: determinants of household recycling intensity. Environment and behavior, 31(2), 267-290. Sage Publications Sage CA: Thousand Oaks, CA.
Samdahl, D. M., Scott, D., Weissinger, E., Allison, M. T., Berryman, D. L., Bright, A. D., & Bryan, H.. (2000). Turning the Century: Reflections on Leisure Research. Journal of Leisure Research, 32(1).
Scott, D. James. (2000). Climate Change Communication: Proceedings of an International Conference, June 22-24, 2000, Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. Environment Canada.
Parker, P., Rowlands, I. H., & Scott, D. James. (2000). Efficiency and Sustainability: Waterloo Region Residential Energy Efficiency Project. Heritage Resources Centre, University of Waterloo.
Kennedy, R. D., Parker, P., Rowlands, I. H., & Scott, D.. (2000). Taking Residential Energy Efficiency to the Streets: What Gets the Public Involved. Article présenté au Climate Change Communication Conference.
Scott, D., Suffling, R., & Canada, P.. (2000). Climate change and Canada's national park system: a screening level assessment. Environnement Canada.
Poole, M. W., Wyles, N. G., Holder, D. J., Scott, D. J., Owen, H. L., Jones, J. K., Varley, J. A., et al. (2001). Recent Developments in the DIAMOND Storage Ring Design.
Clarke, J. A., Holder, D. J., Jones, J. K., Owen, H. L., Poole, M. W., Scott, D. J., Smith, S. L., et al. (2001). Recent developments in the DIAMOND storage ring design. Particle Accelerator Conference, 2001. PAC 2001. Proceedings of the 2001. IEEE.
Rowlands, I., Parker, P., & Scott, D.. (2001). Characterizing Potential Solar Enthusiasts: An Ontario (Canada) Case-Study. FORUM-PROCEEDINGS-. AMERICAN SOLAR ENERGY SOC & THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS.
Rowlands, I. H., Parker, P., & Scott, D.. (2001). Citizen and consumer attitudes towards electricity industry restructuring: an Ontario (Canada) case-study. Energy Studies Review, 10(1).
Parker, P., Scott, D., Rowlands, I. H., & Waterloo, W. O. N.. (2001). Strategies to reduce residential energy use and carbon emissions: reversing Canadian consumption patterns. Energy studies, 1-29.
Scott, D., Rowlands, I. H., & Parker, P.. (2001). Integrating technical and social energy studies: prospects for change in the Canadian residential sector. Environments, 28(3), 1-10.
Parker, P., Rowlands, I. H., & Scott, D.. (2001). Assessing the potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Waterloo region houses: Is the Kyoto target possible?. Environments, 28(3), 29-56. UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO.
Scott, D., Parker, P., & Rowlands, I. H.. (2001). Determinants of energy efficiency behaviours in the home: A case study of Waterloo Region. Environments, 28(3), 75-100. UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO.
