
Author Title Type Year(Desc)
McKinnon, D. Kerr. (1999). Counting rational points of bounded height on algebraic varieties. University of California, Berkeley.
McKinnon, D.. (2000). Counting rational points on K3 surfaces. Journal of Number Theory, 84, 49–62. Academic Press.
McKinnon, D.. (2001). An arithmetic analogue of Bezout's theorem. Compositio Mathematica, 126, 147–155. London Mathematical Society.
McKinnon, D.. (2003). Vojta’s main conjecture for blowup surfaces. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 131, 1–12.
McKinnon, D.. (2004). A reduction of the Batyrev-Manin conjecture for Kummer surfaces. Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, 47, 398–406. Cambridge University Press.
McKinnon, D.. (2004). Counting rational points on ruled varieties. Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, 47, 264–270. Cambridge University Press.
Magidin, A., & McKinnon, D.. (2005). Gauss's lemma for number fields. The American Mathematical Monthly, 112, 385–416. Taylor & Francis.
Etgü, T., McKinnon, D., & Park, B.. (2005). Lagrangian tori in homotopy elliptic surfaces. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 357, 3757–3774.
McKinnon, D.. (2007). A conjecture on rational approximations to rational points. Journal of Algebraic Geometry, 16, 257-303.
McKinnon, D., & Roth, M.. (2007). Curves arising from endomorphism rings of Kronecker modules. The Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, 879–892. The Rocky Mountain Mathematics Consortium.
Levin, A., McKinnon, D., & Winkelmann, J.. (2008). On the error terms and exceptional sets in conjectural second main theorems. The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, 59, 487–498. Oxford University Press.
Geelen, J., Guo, A., & McKinnon, D.. (2008). Straight line embeddings of cubic planar graphs with integer edge lengths. Journal of Graph Theory, 58, 270–274. Wiley Subscription Services, Inc., A Wiley Company Hoboken.
Hare, K. G., McKinnon, D., & Sinclair, C. D.. (2009). Patterns and periodicity in a family of resultants. Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux, 21, 215–234.
Logan, A., McKinnon, D., & van Luijk, R.. (2010). Density of rational points on diagonal quartic surfaces. Algebra & Number Theory, 4, 1–20. Mathematical Sciences Publishers.
Baragar, A., & McKinnon, D.. (2010). K3 surfaces, rational curves, and rational points. Journal of Number Theory, 130, 1470–1479. Academic Press.
McKinnon, D.. (2011). Vojta's conjecture implies the Batyrev–Manin conjecture for K 3 surfaces. Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 43, 1111–1118. Oxford University Press.
Levin, A., & McKinnon, D.. (2012). Ideals of degree one contribute most of the height. Algebra & Number Theory, 6, 1223–1238. Mathematical Sciences Publishers.
Forest, S., Gosset, D., Kliuchnikov, V., & McKinnon, D.. (2015). Exact synthesis of single-qubit unitaries over Clifford-cyclotomic gate sets. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 56. AIP Publishing.
McKinnon, D., & Roth, M.. (2015). Seshadri constants, diophantine approximation, and Roth’s theorem for arbitrary varieties. Inventiones mathematicae, 200, 513–583. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
