
Author [ Title(Asc)] Type Year
McKinnon, D. . (2004). Counting rational points on ruled varieties. Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, 47, 264–270. Cambridge University Press.
McKinnon, D. . (2000). Counting rational points on K3 surfaces. Journal of Number Theory, 84, 49–62. Academic Press.
McKinnon, D. Kerr. (1999). Counting rational points of bounded height on algebraic varieties. University of California, Berkeley.
McKinnon, D. . (2007). A conjecture on rational approximations to rational points. Journal of Algebraic Geometry, 16, 257-303.
McKinnon, D. , & Roth, M. . (2022). Codimension two integral points on some rationally connected threefolds are potentially dense. J. Algebraic Geometry, 31, 345-386.
McKinnon, D. , & Zhu, Y. . (2018). The arithmetic puncturing problem and integral points. arXiv preprint arXiv:1806.03180.
McKinnon, D. . (2001). An arithmetic analogue of Bezout's theorem. Compositio Mathematica, 126, 147–155. London Mathematical Society.
McKinnon, D. , & Satriano, M. . (2021). Approximating rational points on toric varieties. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 374, 3557–3577.
Lehmann, B. , McKinnon, D. , & Satriano, M. . (2024). Approximating rational points on surfaces. arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.02480. Retrieved from
McKinnon, D. , & Roth, M. . (2016). An analogue of Liouville’s theorem and an application to cubic surfaces. European Journal of Mathematics, 2, 929–959. Springer International Publishing Cham.
