
Author Title Type Year(Desc)
Chan, T., Costa, M., Somani, N., Morita, P., & Wallace, J. R.. (2018). LIFEHACK - A Serious Game and Simulation by Mongolian Youth to Educate and Motivate Students to make Healthy Choices in Mongolia. Global Health Students and Young Professionals Summit, 2018.
Chan, T.. (2018). Designing for Engagement in Peer-to-Peer Support Using Cognitive Behavioural Therapy with Gamification and the Proteus Effect. Inter-University Workshop, 2018. Toronto.. Retrieved from
Chan, T., McMurray, J., Wallace, J. R., & Sidahmed, A.. (2018). SmartSurveys: Does context influence whether we’ll share healthcare experience data with our smartphone? . In ACM Conference on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces 2018. Association for Computing Machinery. Retrieved from
Chan, T., & Wallace, J. R.. (2018). Changing Peer Support Attitudes with Avatar-based Gamification. In International Conference on Persuasive Technologies.
Chan, T., & Wallace, J. R.. (2018). Changing Peer Support Attitudes with Avatar-based Gamification. In 3rd Symposium on Computing and Mental Health: Understanding, Engaging, and Delighting Users.. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. CMH2018_paper_02.pdf
Chan, T., & Wallace, J. R.. (2018). Changing Peer Support Attitudes with Avatar-based Gamification. In Computer Human Interaction. Association for Computing Machinery.