Robotic-Assisted Therapeutic Ultrasound

I proposed and developed an innovative method and system for robotic-assisted, ultrasound-guided focused ultrasound (FUS) therapy. Leading a team of highly skilled researchers at SafeSound Surgery, I oversaw the design, modeling, fabrication, programming, and testing of a novel FUS therapeutic/surgical table equipped with advanced robotic and imaging mechanisms. This state-of-the-art system accurately targets regions of interest and generates 3D ultrasound images of the ablated areas, enhancing precision and efficacy in therapeutic applications.

team members

The system comprises four major components: an adjustable patient table for extracorporeal FUS application, a FUS generation unit for thermal ablation of tumors, an ultrasound imaging unit for real-time monitoring of the therapeutic results at the target region, and an advanced robotic mechanism for accurate positioning/monitoring of focal regions.

Surgical Table

An adjustable patient/surgical table with a potential application for extracorporeal focused ultrasound therapy was designed, optimized, and assembled.



FUS Generation Unit

For FUS generation, a medical-grade FUS transducer (Model H-101, Sonic Concepts, Woodinville, WA) was selected and used. The required signal to drive the transducer at the desired frequency and power was produced by a function generator (33210A Function/ Arbitrary Waveform Generator, 10 MHz, Hewlett Packard), and amplified by an RF amplifier (A-500, 60 dB fixed gain, Electronic Navigation Industries, Rochester, NY). The amplified signal passed through an acoustic matching network designed to realize output resistance of 50 Ω before being routed to the transducer.

Robotic Mechanism for Precision Targeting

A 5-D of motion robotic mechanism was designed, simulated, and fabricated for accurate positioning of the FUS transducer, thereby accurately targeting the region of interest. The accuracy of the mechanism was verified with a number of simulations and in-vitro experiments.




Ultrasound-Guided FUS with a Robotic Mechanism for 3D Mapping

An ultrasound probe was adopted with the FUS system to monitor the therapeutic results at the focal region and guide the FUS procedure. The probe was positioned beside the transducer for real-time visualization of the target area via B-mode images. The system is capable of providing 3D images of the ablated area by rotating the ultrasound probe.



Control Software

The team has been working on the development of an AI-based control algorithm for accurate and precise control of the FUS generation unit and robotic mechanism, thereby accurately targeting the region of interest.



Validation Study (Ex vivo verification)

The feasibility and the accuracy of the designed system have been verified through validation studies using chicken breast and tissue phantoms with similar properties to biological tissues


US imaging