
Author Title Type Year(Asc)
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering. (2015). Sparse Non-negative Matrix Factorization for Unsupervised Extraction of Optimal Basis Functions for Myocontrol in Upper Limb Prostheses.
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering. (2015). Bayesian Filtering of Surface EMG for Accurate Simultaneous and Proportional Prosthetic Control.
The International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering. (2015). Classication of Motor Unit Activity Following Targeted Muscle Reinnervation.
The International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering. (2015). Robustness of Movement Detection Techniques from Motor Execution: single trial movement related cortical potential.
Journal of Neural Engineering. (2015). Comparison of spatial filters and features for the detection and classification of movement-related cortical potentials in healthy individuals and stroke patients. Retrieved from
Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation. (2015). Improving robustness against electrode shift of high density EMG for myoelectric control through common spatial patterns. Retrieved from
Neural Engineering (NER), 2015 7th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on. (2015). Influence of external cues on synchronized Brain-Computer Interface based on movement related cortical potentials.
Jochumsen, M., Niazi, I. Khan, Mrachacz-Kersting, N., Jiang, N., Farina, D., & Dremstrup, K.. (2015). Comparison of spatial filters and features for the detection and classification of movement-related cortical potentials in healthy individuals and stroke patients. Journal of neural engineering, 12, 056003. IOP Publishing.
Pan, L., Zhang, D., Jiang, N., Sheng, X., & Zhu, X.. (2015). Improving robustness against electrode shift of high density EMG for myoelectric control through common spatial patterns. Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation, 12, 110. BioMed Central.
He, J., Zhang, D., Jiang, N., Sheng, X., Farina, D., & Zhu, X.. (2015). User adaptation in long-term, open-loop myoelectric training: implications for EMG pattern recognition in prosthesis control. Journal of neural engineering, 12, 046005. IOP Publishing.
Mrachacz-Kersting, N., Jiang, N., Aliakbaryhosseinabadi, S., Xu, R., Petrini, L., Lontis, R., Dremstrup, K., et al. (2015). The Changing Brain: Bidirectional Learning Between Algorithm and User. In Brain-Computer Interface Research (pp. 115–125). Springer.
Scheel, H., Xu, R., Jiang, N., Mrachacz-Kersting, N., Dremstrup, K., & Farina, D.. (2015). Influence of external cues on synchronized brain-computer interface based on movement related cortical potentials. In Neural Engineering (NER), 2015 7th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on (pp. 45–48). IEEE.
Aliakbaryhosseinabadi, S., Jiang, N., Petrini, L., Farina, D., Dremstrup, K., & Mrachacz-Kersting, N.. (2015). Robustness of movement detection techniques from motor execution: Single trial movement related cortical potential. In Neural Engineering (NER), 2015 7th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on (pp. 13–16). IEEE.
Hofmann, D., Jiang, N., Vujaklija, I., & Farina, D.. (2015). Bayesian Filtering of Surface EMG for Accurate Simultaneous and Proportional Prosthetic Control. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering. In press.
Kapelner, T., Jiang, N., Vujaklija, I., Aszmann, O. C., Holobar, A., & Farina, D.. (2015). Classification of motor unit activity following targeted muscle reinnervation. In Neural Engineering (NER), 2015 7th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on (pp. 652–654). IEEE.
Aliakbaryhosseinabadi, S., Jiang, N., Vuckovic, A., Dremstrup, K., Farina, D., & Mrachacz-Kersting, N.. (2015). Detection of movement intention from single-trial movement-related cortical potentials using random and non-random paradigms. Brain-Computer Interfaces, 2, 29–39. Taylor & Francis.
Mrachacz-Kersting, N., Jiang, N., Stevenson, A. James Thom, Niazi, I. Khan, Kostić, V., Pavlović, A., Radovanović, S., et al. (2015). Efficient neuroplasticity induction in chronic stroke patients by an associative brain-computer interface. Journal of Neurophysiology. In press.
Jiang, N., Gizzi, L., Mrachacz-Kersting, N., Dremstrup, K., & Farina, D.. (2015). A brain–computer interface for single-trial detection of gait initiation from movement related cortical potentials. Clinical Neurophysiology, 126, 154–159. Elsevier.
Siomau, M., & Jiang, N.. (2015). Myoelectric control of artificial limb inspired by quantum information processing. Physica Scripta, 90, 035001. IOP Publishing.
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. (2014). Self-Correcting Pattern Recognition System of Surface EMG Signals for Upper Limb Prosthesis Control.
