
Author Title Type [ Year(Desc)]
Smart Grids and Distributed Renewable Energy Generation: Innovation for sustainability. (2009). Electricity Generation Using Renewable Energy, S&T Collaboration between Govt. of India and Canada through ISTP (Canada) and GITA /CII, at IIT Delhi, India.
Case Studies of Energy Efficient Homes: Performance Reviews and Lessons Learned, Chair and Moderator, Panel Discussion. (2009). Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI), Waterloo, Ontario.
Funding Innovation in the Power Sector: Need for a Bold Strategy. (2009). St. Andrew's Club and Conference Centre Toronto, ON.
Abundant, Affordable Energy in a Carbon Constrained World: Feasible?. (2009). Canada-India Energy Forum, Ontario Government and the Canada India Foundation, Toronto, ON.
The New Frontier of Energy Management. (2009). Smart Energy Canada Meter Summit, Toronto.
Taking Leave of the MAPLEs. (2009). Bob McDonald – Quirks & Quarks.
Can the Grid Go Green? Are Environmentalists Right? Can Ontario meet its future energy needs without building big new power plants?. (2009). The Agenda with Steve Paikin.
Nuclear Safety and Regulation. (2009). CBC National TV News .
Electric vehicles: Why not plug into the future?. (2009). Ontario Centre for Engineering and Public Policy (OCEPP) Journal of Policy Engagement , 1(5) , 10-11.
A Smarter Approach to Using Electricity. (2009). The Record.
Canada’s Medical Isotope Crisis A Way Forward. (2009). Ontario Centre for Engineering and Public Policy (OCEPP) The Journal of Policy Engagement, 14, 12-13.
Smart Grid Reduces Carbon Footprint and Drives Economic Growth. (2009). UW Research and Technology Park, 10-11.
Nathwani, J. S. . (2009). Credible solution on isotopes greeted with silence in Ottawa. Toronto Star. Retrieved from
Nathwani, J. S. . (2009). The case for hybrids: the long view. Retrieved from
Nathwani, J. S. . (2009). Loss of isotope supply will hurt in long run. Retrieved from
Nathwani, J. S. . (2009). Creating an Electricity System to Serve the Digital Age:(Toronto) The Ontario Smart Grid Forum today issued its report "Enabling Tomorrow's Electricity System,” calling for a coordinated effort to increase reliability, develop economic oppo. IESO.
Nathwani, J. . (2009). Smart grid reduces carbon footprint and drives economic growth. The Toronto Star. Retrieved from
Nguyen, L. , Nathwani, J. , & De Souza, M. . (2009). Hydro vault explosion leaves hundreds of homeless. The Star Phoenix .
Nathwani, J. S. , Pandey, M. , & Lind, N. C. . (2009). Engineering Decisions for Life Quality: How Safe is Safe Enough (1st ed., p. XVII, 189). Springer-Verlag London. Retrieved from
Nathwani, J. S. . (2009). Electric Vehicles: Why Not Plug into the future?. The Journal of Policy Engagement, 1(5), 10-11.
