
Author Title Type [ Year(Asc)]
Nathwani, J. S. , & Narveson, J. . (1995). Three Principles for Managing Risk in the Public Interest. Int J.Risk Analysis, 15(6), 615-626.
Nathwani, J. S. , Siddall, E. , & Lind, N. C. . (1992). Energy for 300 Years-Benefits and Risks. IRR, University of Waterloo.
Nathwani, J. S. , & Lind, N. C. . (1992). Optimal Safety Levels via Social Indicators. Risk Management- Expanding Horizons, Proceedings of the American Nuclear Society, Boston, Mass.
Nathwani, J. S. . (1992). Determining Optimal Safety levels. Transactions of the ANS, Annual Meeting,TRANSAO, 65, 521.
Lind, N. C. , Nathwani, J. S. , & Siddall, E. . (1991). Managing Risk in the Public Interest. IRR, University of Waterloo.
Lind, N. C. , Sidall, E. , & Nathwani, J. S. . (1991). Management of Risks in the Public Interest. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 18, 446-453.
Nathwani, J. S. , Lind, N. C. , & Sidall, E. . (1991). Risk Benefit Balancing in Risk Management: Measures of Benefits and Detriments. The Analysis, Communication and Perception of Risk.
Nathwani, J. S. , & Garrick, B. . (1991). Advances in Risk Analysis Series. Plenum Press, 599-614.
Nathwani, J. S. , & Stebbing, J. D. . (1991). LBB Assessment of Loading Conditions. Applied Mechanics Review, AMR, 44(5).
Nathwani, J. S. , Lind, N. C. , & Siddall, E. . (1990). Management of Risks in the Public Interest: A Study of the Social and Economic Impacts of Energy. 1st World Congress on Safety Science, Cologne, Germany, Living in Safety, ed. Albert Kuhlmann, Verlag TUV Rheinland GmbH, Cologne.
Nathwani, J. S. , Lind, N. C. , & Siddall, E. . (1990). Management of Risks in the Public Interest: A Study of the Social and Economic Impacts of Energy. 1st World Congress on Safety Science, Cologne, Germany, Living in Safety , ed. Albert Kuhlmann, Verlag TUV Rheinland GmbH, Cologne.
Nathwani, J. S. , Lind, N. C. , & Siddall, E. . (1990). Safety, Social Well-Being and Its Measurement. 1st World Congress on Safety Science, Cologne, Germany, Living in Safety, ed. Albert Kuhlmann, Verlag TUV Rheinland GmbH, Cologne.
Nathwani, J. S. , Lind, N. C. , & Siddall, E. . (1990). Global Energy Use and Energy Alternatives In Relation to Economic and Social Well-Being. 1st World Congress on Safety Science, Cologne, Germany.
Nathwani, J. S. , & Stebbing, J. D. . (1990). Ontario Hydro's Leak Before Break Approach: Assessment of the Loading Conditions in the Heat Transport System. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 43(1-3), 113-127.
Nathwani, J. S. . (1989). Leak Before Break in Water Reactor Piping and Vessels. OECD-Nuclear Energy Agency, Specialist Meeting of the Committee on the Safety of Nuclear Installations, Toronto, Canada.
Nathwani, J. S. , Kee, B. L. , Kim, C. S. , & Kozluk, M. J. . (1989). Ontario Hydro's LBB Approach: Application to the Darlington (CANDU) Nuclear Generating Station A. Nuclear Engineering & Design, 111, 85-107.
Nathwani, J. S. . (1988). Leak Before Break in Water Reactor Piping and Vessels. ", the Third Topical Meeting on Tritium Technology in Fission, Fusion and Isotopic Applications, Toronto, Canada.
Nathwani, J. S. , & Busigin, A. . (1988). Safety Evaluation of the Tritium Removal Facility at Darlington Nuclear Generating Station A. Fusion Technology, 14(2), 1121-1129.
Nathwani, J. S. . (1987). Ontario Hydro's LBB Approach for Darlington Nuclear Generating Station. International Seminar on Leak Before Break sponsored by the Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI), Japan and the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, held in Tokyo, Japan, May 14-15, 1987. .
Nathwani, J. S. . (1987). Leak Before Break-in Water Reactor Piping and Vessels. International Seminar on Leak Before Break sponsored by the Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI), Japan and the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, May 1987, Tokyo, Japan.
