
Author Title Type Year(Desc)
Craik, N.. (1999). Case Comment: CRTC Decision Re: Exclusive Access to Subdivision Trenches. Municipal and Planning Law Reports, 4, 225.
Craik, N., & Podrebarac, C.. (1999). Municipal Fees and Taxation: Clarity from the Supreme Court of Canada . Digest of Municipal and Planning Law , 5(16).
Craik, N.. (2000). Motions to Dismiss and the Ontario Municipal Board. Digest of Municipal and Planning Law , 5(21).
Craik, N., & Kemerer, M.. (2001). Case Comment: Hudson v. Spraytech. Digest of Municipal and Planning Law , 6(9).
Craik, N.. (2003). Compliance Procedures and mechanisms under the Kyoto Protocol. Canadian Council on International Law Bulletin, 29(1).
Craik, N., Makuch, S. M., & Liesk, S.. (2004). Canadian Municipal and Planning Law (2ndnd ed., p. 273). Thomas Carswell. Retrieved from
Craik, N.. (2005). Deference and Discretion under NB Environmental Legislation. Solicitor's Journal, 21(1). Winter 2005.
Craik, N.. (2006). Transboundary Pollution, Unilateralism and the Limits of Extraterritorial Jurisdiction: The Second Trail Smelter Dispute. In Rebecca M. Bratspies & Russell A. Miller (ed,) Transboundary Harm in International Law: Lessons from the Trail Smelter Arbitration (pp. 109-121). Cambridge University Press. Retrieved from
Craik, N., Siebrasse, N., & Culver, K.. (2007). Genetically Modified Crops and Nuisance: Exploring the Role of Precaution in Private Law. Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society , 27, 202-214. June 2007.
Craik, N.. (2008). Presumed Innocent: Navigation Rights and Risk-Based Activities in the Passamaquoddy Bay. University of New Brunswick Law Journal , 58, 167-198.
Craik, N.. (2008). The International Law of Environmental Impact Assessment: Process, Substance and Integration (1stst ed., p. 350). Cambridge University Press. Retrieved from
Craik, N.. (2008). Transboundary Environmental Impact Assessment in North America: Obstacles and Opportunities. In Kees Bastmeijer and Timo Koivurova (ed,) Theory and Practice of Transboundary Environmental Impact Assessment (1stst ed., Vol. 1st, pp. 93-118). Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
Craik, N.. (2011). Bundled transgovernmentalism: North American climate governance and the lessons learned from the Security and Prosperity Partnership. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences , 14, 156-166.
Craik, N.. (2011). Subsidiary Decision-Making under the Espoo Convention: Legal Status and Legitimacy. Review of European Community and International Environmental Law, 20(3), 258-266.
Craik, N., Forcese, C., Bryden, P., Carver, P., Haigh, R., Ratushny, E., & Sullivan, R. (Eds.). (2011). Public Law: Cases, Materials and Commentary (2ndnd ed., p. 508). Emond Montgomery Publishers.
Craik, N., Doelle, M., & Gale, F.. (2012). Governing Information: A Three Dimensional Analysis of Environmental Assessment. Public Administration, 90(1), 19-36. 20 March 2012.
Craik, N.. (2012). Regional Climate Policy Facilitation: The Role of the North American Commission on Environmental Cooperation. In Neil Craik, Isabel Studer, Debora VanNijnatten (ed,) Climate Change Policy in North America: Designing Integration in a Regional System (pp. 213-245). University of Toronto Press. Retrieved from
