
Author Title [ Type(Desc)] Year
Craik, N. , Jefferies, C. , Seck, S. , & Stephens, T. . (Accepted). Global Environmental Change and Innovation in International Law. Cambridge University Press.
Craik, N. , Studer, I. , & VanNijnatten, D. (Eds.). (2013). Climate Change Policy in North America: Designing Integration in a Regional System (1stst ed., p. 376). University of Toronto Press. Retrieved from
Craik, N. , Forcese, C. , Bryden, P. , Carver, P. , Haigh, R. , Ratushny, E. , & Sullivan, R. (Eds.). (2011). Public Law: Cases, Materials and Commentary (2ndnd ed., p. 508). Emond Montgomery Publishers.
Craik, N. . (2008). The International Law of Environmental Impact Assessment: Process, Substance and Integration (1stst ed., p. 350). Cambridge University Press. Retrieved from
Craik, N. , Makuch, S. M. , & Liesk, S. . (2004). Canadian Municipal and Planning Law (2ndnd ed., p. 273). Thomas Carswell. Retrieved from
Book Chapter
Craik, N. . (2018). Environmental Impact Assessment. In Encyclopedia of Environmental Law - Principles of Environmental Law. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Craik, N. . (2014). Principle 17- Environmental Impact Assessment. In Jorge Vinuales (ed,) The Rio Deceleration on Environment and Development: A Commentary (1stst ed., pp. 451-470). Oxford University Press. Retrieved from
Craik, N. . (2012). Regional Climate Policy Facilitation: The Role of the North American Commission on Environmental Cooperation. In Neil Craik, Isabel Studer, Debora VanNijnatten (ed,) Climate Change Policy in North America: Designing Integration in a Regional System (pp. 213-245). University of Toronto Press. Retrieved from
Craik, N. . (2008). Transboundary Environmental Impact Assessment in North America: Obstacles and Opportunities. In Kees Bastmeijer and Timo Koivurova (ed,) Theory and Practice of Transboundary Environmental Impact Assessment (1stst ed., Vol. 1st, pp. 93-118). Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
Craik, N. . (2006). Transboundary Pollution, Unilateralism and the Limits of Extraterritorial Jurisdiction: The Second Trail Smelter Dispute. In Rebecca M. Bratspies & Russell A. Miller (ed,) Transboundary Harm in International Law: Lessons from the Trail Smelter Arbitration (pp. 109-121). Cambridge University Press. Retrieved from
Journal Article
Craik, N. . (2016). Process and Reconciliation: Integrating the Duty to Consult with Environmental Assessment. Osgoode Hall Law Journal , 53. 1 November . Retrieved from preview.png
Craik, N. . (2015). International EIA Law and Geoengineering: Do Emerging Technologies Require Special Rules?. Climate Law, 5(2-4), 111-141.
Craik, N. , Blackstock, J. , & Hubert, A. . (2013). Regulating Geoengineering Research through Domestic Environmental Protection Frameworks: Reflections on the Recent Canadian Ocean Fertilization Case. Carbon and Climate Law Review, 7(2), 117-124.
Craik, N. , Doelle, M. , & Gale, F. . (2012). Governing Information: A Three Dimensional Analysis of Environmental Assessment. Public Administration, 90(1), 19-36. 20 March 2012.
Craik, N. . (2011). Bundled transgovernmentalism: North American climate governance and the lessons learned from the Security and Prosperity Partnership. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences , 14, 156-166.
Craik, N. . (2011). Subsidiary Decision-Making under the Espoo Convention: Legal Status and Legitimacy. Review of European Community and International Environmental Law, 20(3), 258-266.
Craik, N. . (2010). Transboundary Environmental Assessment in Canada: International and Constitutional Dimensions. Journal of Environmental Law and Practice, 21, 107-138.
Craik, N. . (2008). Presumed Innocent: Navigation Rights and Risk-Based Activities in the Passamaquoddy Bay. University of New Brunswick Law Journal , 58, 167-198.
Craik, N. , Siebrasse, N. , & Culver, K. . (2007). Genetically Modified Crops and Nuisance: Exploring the Role of Precaution in Private Law. Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society , 27, 202-214. June 2007.
