"Drawing on diverse experiences working with interdisciplinary teams, this panel session will explore strategies for building and managing interdisciplinary research teams and projects. Panel members cover important topics such as publishing, grant strategies, applying multi-disciplinary research frameworks, and forming durable partnerships across various sectors.
This session is ideal for researchers aiming to deepen their interdisciplinary approach and broaden the impact of their work. The formal panel presentations will be followed by a Q&A session.
Abstract: Misinformation has generated much discussion in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic and attendant “Infodemic,” as the World Health Organization (WHO) dubbed the challenge of disordered information. Rhetorical genre studies can offer important insights about how misinformation functions within informational ecologies by revealing how typification and recurrence provide opportunities for misinformation to take hold. This article develops a genre-based framework to study scientific and technical misinformation as illicit genres through concepts of genre function and... Read more about New Article: Misinformation As Genre Function: Insights on the Infodemic from a Genre-Theoretical Perspective