
Good news!

February 1, 2019

The Layton Lab has a double dose of good news this week! Sarah Patterson will be joining the Virginia Military Institute as a new Assistant Professor in Applied Math, after defending her PhD thesis and graduating this summer. Congrats, (soon-to-be Major) Sarah! 

Also Dania Sheaib a PhD candidate from University of Oklahoma, Mathematics will join our lab as a new postdoc this fall.

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Congrats new M.Sc Christine Van beest!

January 11, 2019

On Thursday, newly minted M.Sc Chrstine Van beest sucessfully defended her Masters thesis titled 'Deeper burning increases availabile phosphorus, promotes moss growth, and cabron dioxide instake in a fen peatland one-year post-wildfire in Fort McMurray, AB'. Christine's work has helped provide insights into the nutrient and carbon dynamics of post-burn peatland systems in Canada's north. Congratulations!!


Read more about Congrats new M.Sc Christine Van beest!

Sex differences in kidney function

December 21, 2018

Our new Editorial, "Recent Advances in Sex Differences in Kidney Function", is now in press at AJP Renal.

Sex differences in renal function and blood pressure have been widely described across many species.  With the newest hypertension guidelines defining hypertension as a systolic blood pressure greater than 130 mmHg and a diastolic blood pressure above 80 mmHg, almost half of the adult population in the United States is now...

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Hydromet MWW 2018 Poster Winner!

November 26, 2018

Last week students from our group polished up and presented their research poster at the annual McMaster Water Week in Hamilton, Ontario. We had 7 total presenters, with a poster by Masters student Dylan Hrach titled 'Quantifying seasonal evapotranpiration of a sub-alpine wetland, Kananaskis, Alberta' winning the GWF Young Professionals Best Student Poster award. Congratulations to Dylan and all of our other students. Fantastic work!


Check out our...

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November 19, 2018