
Author Title Type [ Year(Asc)]
Driezen P, Guindon GE, Hammond D, Thompson ME, Quah ACK, Fong GT. Contraband cigarette purchasing from First Nation reserves in Ontario and Quebec: Findings from the 2002–2014 ITC Canada Survey. International Journal of Drug Policy. 2020;75:102612.
Gravely S, Driezen P, Smith DM, Borland R, Lindblom EN, Hammond D, et al. International differences in patterns of cannabis use among adult cigarette smokers: Findings from the 2018 ITC Four Country Smoking and Vaping Survey. International Journal of Drug Policy. 2020;79:102754.
Thompson ME, Driezen P, Boudreau C, Bécuwe N, Agar TK, Quah ACK, et al. Methods of the International Tobacco Control (ITC) EUREST-PLUS ITC Europe Surveys. European Journal of Public Health. 2020;30:iii4–iii9.
Filippidis FT, Driezen P, Kyriakos CN, Katsaounou P, Petroulia I, Girvalaki C, et al. Transitions from and to roll-your-own tobacco, perceptions and health beliefs among smokers: Findings from the EUREST-PLUS ITC Europe Surveys. European Journal of Public Health. 2020;30:iii18–iii25.
Vardavas CI, Kyriakos CN, Driezen P, Girvalaki C, Nikitara K, Filippidis FT, et al. Transitions in product use during the implementation of the European Tobacco Products Directive: cohort study findings from the EUREST-PLUS ITC Europe Surveys. European Journal of Public Health. 2020;30:iii10–iii17.
Li L, Borland R, O'Connor RJ, Fong GT, McNeill A, Driezen P, et al. The association between smokers' self-reported health problems and quitting: Findings from the ITC Four Country Smoking and Vaping Wave 1 Survey. Tobacco Prevention & Cessation. 2019;5.
Wadsworth E, Driezen P, Goodman S, Hammond D. Differences in self-reported cannabis prices across purchase source and quantity purchased among Canadians. Addiction Research & Theory. 2019;
Nargis N, Yong HH, Driezen P, Mbulo L, Zhao L, Fong GT, et al. Socioeconomic patterns of smoking cessation behavior in low and middle-income countries: Emerging evidence from the Global Adult Tobacco Surveys and International Tobacco Control Surveys. PLoS ONE. 2019;19:e0220223.
Park E, Cho S, Seo HG, Kim Y, Jung HS, Driezen P, et al. Attitudes of Korean smokers towards smoke-free public places: findings from the longitudinal ITC Korea Survey, 2005–2010. BMJ Open. 2019;9:e025298.
Gravely S, Driezen P, Ouimet J, Quah ACK, Cummings KM, Thompson ME, et al. Awareness, trial, and use of electronic cigarettes among adult current smokers and ex-smokers in 14 countries with differing EC sale regulatory policies: Results from the International Tobacco Control Policy Evaluation Project. Addiction. 2019;
Li L, Borland R, O'Connor RJ, Fong GT, McNeill A, Driezen P, et al. How are self-reported physical and mental health conditions related to vaping activities among smokers and quitters: Findings from the ITC Four Country Smoking and Vaping Wave 1 Survey. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2019;16:1412.
Green AC, Driezen P, Hammond D, Noar S, Fong GT. The impact of adding and removing warning label messages from cigarette packages on adult smokers' awareness about the health harms of smoking: Findings from the ITC Canada Survey. Tobacco Control. 2019;:e56–e63.
McNeill A, Driezen P, Hitchman SC, Cummings KM, Fong GT, Borland R. Indicators of cigarette smoking dependence and relapse in former smokers who vape compared with those who do not: Findings from the 2016 ITC Four Country Smoking and Vaping Survey. Addiction. 2019;
Driezen P, Nargis N, Thompson ME, Cummings KM, Fong GT, Chaloupka FJ, et al. State-level affordability of factory-made cigarettes among current US smokers: Findings from the ITC US Survey, 2003–2015. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2019;16:2439.
Fong GT, Elton-Marshall T, Driezen P, Kaufman AR, Cummings KM, Choi K, et al. U.S. adult perceptions of the harmfulness of tobacco products: Descriptive findings from the 2013-14 Baseline Wave 1 of the PATH Study. Addictive Behaviors. 2019;91:180–187.
Herbeć A, Zatonski M, Zatoński W, Janik-Koncewicz K, Mons U, Fong GT, et al. Dependence, plans to quit, quitting self-efficacy and past cessation behaviours among menthol and other flavoured cigarette users in Europe – The EUREST-PLUS ITC Europe Surveys. Tobacco Induced Diseases. 2018;16:A19.
Driezen P, Thompson ME, Fong GT, Demjén T, Tountas Y, Trofor A, et al. Cross-border purchasing of cigarettes among smokers in six countries of the EUREST-PLUS ITC Europe Surveys. Tobacco Induced Diseases. 2018;16:A13.
Trofor A, Papadakis S, Lotrean LM, Radu-Loghin C, Eremia M, Mihaltan F, et al. Knowledge of the health risks of smoking and impact of cigarette warnings labels among tobacco users in six European countries. Tobacco Induced Diseases. 2018;16:A10.
Thompson ME, Fong GT, Boudreau C, Driezen P, Li G, Gravely S, et al. Methods of the ITC Four Country Smoking and Vaping Survey, Wave 1 (2016). Addiction. 2018;
Demjén T, Kiss J, Kovács P, Mons U, Kahnert S, Driezen P, et al. The purchase sources of and price paid for cigarettes in six European countries: Findings from the EUREST-PLUS ITC Europe Surveys. Tobacco Induced Diseases. 2018;16:A16.
