
Author Title [ Type(Asc)] Year
Journal Article
Sang, P. , Cao, J. , & Lockhart, R. . (2018). Sparse Functional Semiparametric Additive Model. Journal of Multivariate Statistcs.
Sang, P. , Wang, L. , & Cao, J. . (2018). Weighted Empirical likelihood Inference for Dynam-ical Correlation. accepted by Computational Statistics and Data Analysis.
Joe, H. , & Sang, P. . (2016). Multivariate models for dependent clusters of variables with conditionalindependence given aggregation variables. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, (97), 114-132.
Sang, P. , Nie, Y. , & Cao, J. . (2016). Comments on: Probability enhanced e ective dimensionreduction for classifying sparse functional data. TEST.
Sang, P. , Wang, L. , & Cao, jinguo. (2016). Parametric Functional Principal Component Anal-ysis. Biometrics, (73), 802-810.
Sang, P. , Wang, L. , & , . (2018). Estimation of Sparse Functional Additive Modelswith Adaptive Group LASSO. accepted by Statistica Sinica.