
Author Title Type Year(Asc)
Shipley, R., & Feick, R.. (2009). A practical approach for evaluating cultural heritage landscapes: Lessons from rural Ontario. Planning, Practice & Research, 24(4), 455-469. Routledge.
Suffling, R., Grant, A., & Feick, R.. (2008). Modeling prescribed burns to serve as regional firebreaks to allow wildfire activity in protected areas. Forest Ecology and Management, 256(11), 1815-1824. Elsevier.
Feick, R., & Boots, B.. (2005). Variable resolution spatial interpolation using the simple recursive point Voronoi diagram. Geographical Analysis, 37(2), 225-243. Blackwell Publishing.
Shipley, R., Feick, R., Hall, B., & Earley, R.. (2004). Evaluating municipal visioning. Planning Practice and Research, 19(2), 195-210. Taylor & Francis.
Feick, R., & Hall, B.. (2004). A method for examining the spatial dimension of multi-criteria weight sensitivity. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 18(8), 815-840. Taylor & Francis.
Nelson, T., Boots, B., Wulder, M., & Feick, R.. (2004). Predicting forest age classes from high spatial resolution remotely sensed imagery using Voronoi polygon aggregation. GeoInformatica, 8(2), 143-155. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Feick, R. D., & Hall, B. G.. (2003). Balancing consensus and conflict with a GIS-based multi-participant, multi-criteria decision support tool. In Modelling Geographical Systems (pp. 203-233). Springer Netherlands.
Boots, B., Feick, R., Shiode, N., & Roberts, S.. (2002). Investigating recursive point Voronoi diagrams. International Conference on Geographic Information Science. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Feick, R. D., & Hall, B. G.. (2000). The application of a spatial decision support system to tourism-based land management in small island states. Journal of Travel Research, 39(2), 163-171. Sage Publications.
Feick, R. D., & Hall, B. G.. (1999). Consensus-building in a multi-participant spatial decision support system. URISA journal, 11(2), 17-23. Citeseer.
Hall, B. G., Feick, R. D., & Bowerman, R. L.. (1997). Problems and Prospects for GIS-based Decision Support Applications in Developing Countries. Faculty of Environmental Studies, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
Hall, B. G., Bowerman, R. L., & Feick, R. D.. (1997). GIS-based decision support architecture and applications for developing countries. South African Journal of Geo-Information, 17(3), 73-80.
