Kelly, A. C., Katan, A., & Zuroff, D. (2024). The ups and downs of self-criticism and disordered eating: Complementing Paranjothy and Wade’s (2024) analysis by considering both trait and state perspectives. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 57(8), 1649-1652.
Katan, A., Kelly, A. C., & Geller, J. (2024). Self-compassion promotes positive mental health in women with anorexia nervosa: A two-week daily diary study. Eating Disorders: The Journal of Treatment and Prevention. Advanced online publication.
Shaw, J., & Kelly, A. C. (2024). How exposure to personal distress with and without self-compassion affects distress tolerance: Results from a two-sample randomized trial. Mindfulness, 15, 570-585.
Waring, S. V., & Kelly, A. C. (2023). The whole is more than the sum of its parts: A qualitative investigation of body-dissatisfied college women's experiences of relational body image. Body Image, 46, 174-189.
Geller, J., Fernandes, A., Kelly, A. C., Samson, L., & Srikameswaran, S. (2023). Collaborative care in eating disorders treatment: Exploring the role of clinician distress, self-compassion, and compassion for others. Journal of Eating Disorders, 11, Article 57.
Katan, A., & Kelly, A. C. (2023). A daily diary study of self-compassion and adaptive coping behaviours in women with symptoms of bulimia nervosa. Journal of Eating Disorders, 11, Article 50.
Matos, M., McEwan, K., Kanovsky, M., Halamova, J.,…Kelly, A. C.,…Gilbert, P. (2023). Improvements in compassion and fears of compassion throughout the COVID-19 pandemic: A multinational study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(3), Article 1845.
Waring, S. V., Sharpinskyi, K., & Kelly, A. C. (2022). Individual differences in relational body image: Within-person variability predicts maladaptive trait body image. Body Image, 43, 41-53.
Geller, J. Samson, L., Maiolino, N., Iyar, M. M., Kelly, A. C., & Srikameswaran, S. (2022). Self-compassion and its barriers: Predicting outcomes from inpatient and residential eating disorders treatment. Journal of Eating Disorders, 10, Article 114.
Miller, K. E., Kelly, A. C., & Kraus, G. E. (2022). Adaptive body image can be contagious: An examination of college women facing situational body image threats. Body Image, 42, 222-236.
Matos, M., McEwan, K., Kanovsky, M., Halamova, J.,…Kelly, A. C.,…Gilbert, P. (2022). Compassion protects mental health and social safeness during the COVID-19 pandemic across 21 countries. Mindfulness, 13, 863-880.
Matos, M., McEwan, K., Kanovsky, M., Halamova, J.,…Kelly, A. C.,…Gilbert, P. (2021). The role of social connection on the experience of COVID-19 related post-traumatic growth and stress. PLOS ONE, 16(12): e0261384.
Katan, A., & Kelly, A. C. (2021). A two-week daily diary study examining the association between daily self-compassion and symptoms of bulimia nervosa. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 54(8), 1438-1448.
Matos, M., McEwan, K., Kanovsky, M., Halamova, J.,…Kelly, A. C.,…Gilbert, P. (2021). Fears of compassion magnify the harmful effects of threat of COVID-19 on mental health and social safeness across 21 countries. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 28(6), 1317-1333.
Kelly, A. C., Katan, A.; Sosa Hernandez, L., Nightingale, B., & Geller, J. (2021). Why would I want to be more self-compassionate? A qualitative study of the pros and cons to cultivating self-compassion in individuals with anorexia nervosa. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 60, 99-115.
Geller, J., Kelly, A. C., Samson, L., Iyar, M. M., & Srikameswaran, S. (2020). The relation between two barriers to self‐compassion and clinical characteristics in individuals with eating disorders. European Eating Disorders Review, 28(6), 766-772.
Waring, S. V., & Kelly, A. C. (2020). Relational body image: Preliminary evidence that body image varies within a person from one specific relationship to another. Body Image, 34, 221-232.
Dupasquier, J. R., Kelly, A. C., Waring, S. V., & Moscovitch, D. A. (2020). Self-compassionate college women report receiving more social support in the face of distress: Evidence from a daily diary study. Personality and Individual Differences, 154, Article 109680.
Dupasquier, J. R., Kelly, A. C., Moscovitch, D. A., & Vidovic, V. (2020). Cultivating self-compassion promotes disclosure of experiences that threaten self-esteem. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 44, 108-119.
Kelly, A. C., Waring, S. V., & Dupasquier, J. R. (2020). Most women with anorexia nervosa report less eating pathology on days when they are more self-compassionate than usual. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 53, 133-137.
Ma, R., & Kelly, A. C. (2020). The fragility of perceived social rank following exercise in anorexia nervosa: An ecological momentary assessment study of shame and pride. Eating and Weight Disorders - Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity, 25, 1601-1607.
Miller, K. E. & Kelly, A. C.(2020). Is self-compassion contagious? An examination of whether hearing a display of self-compassion impacts self-compassion in the listener. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 52(2), 159-170.
Geller, J., Iyar, M. M., Kelly, A. C., & Srikameswaran, S. (2019). Barriers to self-compassion in the eating disorders: The factor structure of the fear of self-compassion scale. Eating Behaviors, 35, Article 101334.
Waring, S. V., & Kelly, A. C. (2019). Trait self-compassion predicts different responses to failure depending on the interpersonal context. Personality and Individual Differences, 143, 47-54.
Miller, K.E., Kelly, A. C., & Stephen, E. (2019). Exposure to body focused and non-body focused others over a week: A preliminary investigation of their unique contributions to college women’s eating and body image. Body Image, 28, 48-52.
Kelly, A. C., & Waring, S. V. (2018). A feasibility study of a 2‐week self‐compassionate letter‐writing intervention for nontreatment seeking individuals with typical and atypical anorexia nervosa. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 51, 1005-1009.
Vimalakanthan, K., Kelly, A. C., & Trac, S. (2018). From competition to compassion: A caregiving approach to intervening with appearance comparisons. Body Image, 25, 148-162.
Dupasquier, J. R., Kelly, A. C., Moscovitch, D. A., & Vidovic, V. (2018). Practicing self-compassion weakens the relationship between fear of receiving compassion and the desire to conceal negative experiences from others. Mindfulness, 9(2), 500-518.
Kelly, A. C., Wisniewski, L., Matin-Wagar, C., & Hoffman, E. (2017). Group-based compassion-focused therapy as an adjunct to outpatient treatment for eating disorders: A pilot randomized controlled trial. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 24(2), 475–487.
Hermanto, N., Zuroff, D. C., Kelly, A. C.,& Leybman, M. J. (2017). Receiving support, giving support, and self-reassurance: A daily diary test of social mentality theory. Personality and Individual Differences, 107, 37-42.
Kelly, A. C., Miller, K. E., & Stephen, E. (2016). The benefits of being self-compassionate on days when interactions with body-focused others are frequent. Body Image, 19, 195–203.
Kelly, A. C., & Tasca, G. A. (2016). Within-persons predictors of change during eating disorders treatment: An examination of self-compassion, self-criticism, shame, and eating disorder symptoms. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 49(7), 716-722.
Hermanto, N., Zuroff, D. C., Kopala-Sibley, D. C., Kelly, A. C., Matos, M., Gilbert, P., & Koestner, R. (2016). Ability to receive compassion from others buffers the depressogenic effect of self-criticism: A cross-cultural multi-study analysis. Personality and Individual Differences, 98, 324-332.
Kelly, A. C., & Stephen, E. (2016). A daily diary study of self-compassion, body image, and eating behavior in female college students. Body Image, 17, 152-160.
Zuroff, D. C., Shahar, G., Blatt, S. J., Kelly, A. C., & Leybman, M. J. (2016). Predictors and moderators of between-therapist and within-therapist differences in depressed outpatients' experiences of the Rogerian conditions. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 63(2), 162-172.
Kelly, A. C., & Dupasquier, J. R. (2016). Social safeness mediates the relationship between recalled parental warmth and the capacity for self-compassion and receiving compassion. Personality and Individual Differences, 89, 157-161.
Zuroff, D. C., Sadikaj, G., Kelly, A. C., & Leybman, M. J. (2016). Conceptualizing and measuring self-criticism as both a personality trait and a personality state. Journal of Personality Assessment, 98(1), 14-21.
Kelly, A. C., & Carter, J. C. (2015). Self-compassion training for binge eating disorder: A pilot randomized controlled trial. Psychology & Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, and Practice, 88(3), 285-303.
Carter, J. C., & Kelly, A. C. (2015). Autonomous and controlled motivation for eating disorders treatment: Baseline predictors and relationship to treatment outcome. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 54(1), 76-90.
Kelly, A. C., Vimalakanthan, K., & Miller, K. E. (2014). Self-compassion moderates the relationship between body mass index and both eating disorder pathology and body image flexibility. Body Image, 11(4), 446-453.
Kelly, A. C., Vimalakanthan, K., & Carter, J. C. (2014). Understanding the roles of self-esteem, self-compassion, and fear of self-compassion in eating disorder pathology: An examination of female students and eating disorder patients. Eating Behaviors, 15(3), 388-391.
Kelly, A. C., & Carter, J. C. (2014). Eating disorder subtypes differ in their rates of psychosocial improvement over treatment. Journal of Eating Disorders, 2(2).
Kelly, A. C., Carter, J. C., & Borairi, S. (2014). Are improvements in shame and self-compassion early in eating disorders treatment associated with better patient outcomes?International Journal of Eating Disorders, 47(1), 54–64.
Kelly, A. C., Carter, J. C., Zuroff, D. C., & Borairi, S. (2013). Self-compassion and fear of self-compassion interact to predict response to eating disorders treatment: A preliminary investigation. Psychotherapy Research, 23(3), 252-264.
Kelly, A. C., & Carter, J. C. (2013). Why self-critical patients present with more severe eating disorder pathology: The mediating role of shame. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 52(2), 148–161.
Kelly, A. C., Zuroff, D. C., Leybman, M. J., & Gilbert, P. (2012). Social safeness, received social support, and maladjustment: Testing a tripartite model of affect regulation. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 36(6), 815-826.
Carter, J. C., Kelly, A. C. & Norwood, S. J. (2012). Interpersonal problems in anorexia nervosa: Social inhibition as defining and detrimental. Personality and Individual Differences, 53(3), 169-174.
Kelly, A. C., Zuroff, D. C., Leybman, M. J., & Martin, A. (2011). Leaders’ and followers’ social rank styles interact to predict small group performance. Social, Behaviour, and Personality Journal, 39(7), 963-978.
Leybman, M. J., Zuroff, D. C., Fournier, M. A., Kelly, A. C., & Martin, A. (2011). Social Exchange Styles: Measurement, validation, and application. European Journal of Personality, 25(3), 198-210.
Kelly, A. C., Zuroff, D. C., Foa, C. L., & Gilbert, P. (2010). Who benefits from training in self-compassionate self-regulation? A study of smoking reduction. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 29(7), 727-755.
Zuroff, D. C., Kelly, A. C., Leybman, M. J., Blatt, S. J., & Wampold, B. (2010). Between- and within-therapists variability in the therapeutic relationship: Independent predictors of change in adjustment and vulnerability. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 66(7), 681-697.
Kelly, A. C., Zuroff, D. C., & Shapira, L. B. (2009). Soothing oneself and resisting self-attacks: The treatment of two intrapersonal deficits in depression vulnerability. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 33(3), 301-313.
Kelly, A. C., Zuroff, D. C., Leybman, M. J., Martin, E. A., & Koestner, R. (2008). Satisfied groups and satisfied members: Untangling the between- and within-groups effects of need satisfaction. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 38(7), 1805-1826.
Book Chapters
Goss, K., & Kelly, A. C.(2022). The roles of shame, self-criticism, and compassion focused therapy in eating disorders and disordered eating. In P. Gilbert & G. Simos (Eds.), Compassion-focused therapy: Clinical practice and applications (pp. 519-533). Routledge.
Kelly, A. C.,Miller, K. E., Vimalakanthan, K., Dupasquier, J. R., & Waring, S. (2019). Compassion-based interventions to facilitate positive body image and embodiment. In T. Tylka & N. Piran (Eds.), Handbook of positive body image: Constructs, protective factors, and interventions (pp.265-276). Oxford University Press.
Carter, J. C., Bojman, K., Kelly, A. C. (2018). Compassion-focused therapies in severe obesity. In S. Cassin, R. Hawa, & S. Sockalingam (Eds.), Psychological care in severe obesity: A practical approach (pp. 199-212). Cambridge University Press.
Kelly, A. C., & Carter, J. C. (2017). Compassion-focused therapy for eating disorders. In T. Wade (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Feeding and Eating Disorders (pp.164-169). Springer Singapore.
Kelly, A. C., & Zuroff, D. C. (2014). Treating perfectionism. In L. Grossman, & S. Walfish (Eds.),Translating psychological research into practice: A desk reference for practicing mental health professionals (pp. 233-235). Springer Publishing Company.