Walls-to-Bridges brings incarcerated students and campus-enrolled students together as classmates in semester-long university courses. Classes are held in correctional facilities, and are taught using a circle pedagogy and collaborative dialogue aimed to foster egalitarian and collective learning. Not only are students learning specific course material, they are learning about themselves and each other.
This opportunity typically happens once every 2-3 years.
In collaboration with Renison University College and Grand Valley Institution, W2B will run with the following Social Development Studies course: SDS 240R - Art and Society
Next offering planned: Winter 2025
Course Description: Social issues and themes explored through the arts. Topics include art and social change, war and peace, propaganda, art of conscience, and the response of artists to poverty, hunger and catastrophic events. Specific applications include art as cross-cultural awareness and art as therapy.
The format of this course will be primarily taught using Indigenous pedagogy. This course does not use lecture-style teaching as the primary way of conveying information. The responsibility for sharing knowledge and discussion of readings will rest equally with the learners and instructor. Use of the sharing circle and small group discussions will be the primary ways of learning, conveying, sharing and discussing course information.
Note: Accepted applicants will be required to complete a Corrections Canada Clearance Request (CPIC).
Enrolment for the current offering of this course has finished, best wishes to the class!