Academic Supports
Looking to add an SDS major, minor or specialization? Submit a plan modification from to an academic advisor.
- LEARN (online class platform) & LEARN Help (troubleshoot issues)
- Centre for Extended Learning - course search and writing exams for online classes
- Booklook - find your textbook
- Lusi Wong Library - research and assignment supports
- Student Success Office - peer supports, skill building, proactive tips
- Writing Centre - appointments, resources, strategies
- Assignment Planner - break down big projects
- WUSA Centre for Academic Policy Supports (CAPS)
- Renison Awards & Scholarships
- Student Awards & Financial Aid - OSAP
- Student Financial Services - tuition, fees
- UWaterloo Awards Database - search and apply for awards, scholarships, etc.
- The Centre - one-stop Q&A centre for all things financial
Work & Volunteer
- SDS 496R: Applied Apprenticeship - 4th year course combining class with community volunteering
- SDS Co-op Program - alternative work and school; open to Honours students*
- EDGE - optional certificate program for non-co-op students
*not all students can participate in co-op. Talk to your academic advisor to confirm eligibility.
- Waterloo Works - apply for jobs/volunteering, book an appointment with a career advisor, or attend useful workshops
- Renison Student Leadership Positions - work with us!
- UW and University College Opportunities
- Volunteer Waterloo Region - local volunteering hub
- Sustainability opportunities
...and so much more!
- Centre for Career Development - supports/resources for career and school planning
- Go on an academic exchange - take classes abroad that count for your degree
- How to Ask for an Academic Reference Letter - post-grad applications (Psychology also has a great resource on this)
Wellness & Community
- AccessAbility Services - academic accommodations for suspected or diagnosed disability/injury/illness
- Counselling Services - short-term individual therapy and group opportunities
- Same-Day Counselling Appointments - sign-up early to snag a seat, no waitlist!
- Renison Chaplain - connect with our Scott and visit the ministry centre anytime (they have snacks and coffee!)
- Conversation Partners - connect with international students to help them practice English and share cultures
Athletics and Recreation - Bike Centre
- GLOW Centre for Sexual and Gender Diversity
- MATES - trained upper-year peer support
- Off-campus Community
- RAISE: Racial Advocacy for Inclusion, Solidarity, and Equity
- WISC: Waterloo Indigenous Student Centre
- Women's Centre
- WUSA - your undergraduate student government
Everything Else!
- Important Dates - refer to often for enrolment and tuition deadlines!
- Important Forms - any form you'll ever need
- Waterloo Portal - organize your schedule and more
- Campus Map - find your way around and building codes
- Renison Parking Services - apply early for parking lot passes as onsite parking is limited
- Moostracks Desk - a one-stop-shop for snacks, directions, charging cables, mail, and more
- Renison Residence - learn all about living here