Websites are moving to The Centre and form closures will occur

This website is moving to a new version of The Centre website on August 27 and forms will be temporarily closed August 23-27. Learn more.

Undergraduate awards database

This database is available to assist current undergraduate students search for award opportunities at Waterloo. If you are a future student, please refer to our entrance awards database instead. The database provides full details on each award, including how to apply, if applicable.

  • Use as many of the search boxes as possible to help narrow the results - see "How to use the database" at side.
  • Limit your search to awards that require an application (Selection Process box) as many awards are automatic.
  • Limit your search to those with an application deadline during the term you are searching in (Term box).

Information in the database could change at any time depending on available funding, revised eligibility criteria, or new award opportunities. Contact Student Awards & Financial Aid with questions about the database.

How to use the database

This database is searchable using a variety of criteria: 

  • Level: search for awards based on your current level of enrolment.
  • Award type: narrow your search to bursaries or scholarships, etc. for select "Any" to include all options
  • Selection Process: many awards are automatic and do not require an application. Choose "Application required" to narrow your search to awards that require you to take action.
  • Affiliation: some awards are restricted to specific groups of students like Indigenous, women, student-athletes, etc., or select "Any" to include all options
  • Program: search for awards available to your specific program or select "any" to include all options
  • Term: this refers to the term during which the application is due, or select "Any" to include all options
  • Citizenship: search for awards available to domestic or international students or select "Any" to include all options
  • Keyword search: if you know part or all of the award name that you want to find or if you are looking for awards with specific selection criteria, etc., type the keyword(s) here to narrow your search results. Adding quotation marks around key words of two or more may help to refine the search; e.g., student government”.