Serena McDiarmid


Serena McDiarmid

MASc - University of Waterloo - Developmental and Communication Science
BEd - Wilfrid Laurier University - Primary & Junior Education
BSc - University of Waterloo - Health Studies & Gerontology<--break->

Research and Teaching Interests

Research: Child development - refugees, second language learning, acculturation, classroom experiences, educational interventions
Teaching: Introductory psychology, developmental psychology, learning disabilities/exceptionalities


McDiarmid, S., Durbeej, N., Sarkadi, A., & Osman, F. (2021). The role of schools and teachers in supporting the mental wellbeing of refugee youths: A qualitative study with Swedish teachers. Submitted for publication.

Warner, G., Osman, F., McDiarmid, S., & Sarkadi, A. (2021). Giving schools a nudge: can behavioural insights improve recruitment of schools to randomised controlled trials?. BMC Research Notes, 14(1), 1-5.

Durbeej, N., McDiarmid, S., Sarkadi, A., Feldman, I., Punamäki, R. L., Kankaanpää, R., ... & Osman, F. (2021). Evaluation of a school-based intervention to promote mental health of refugee youth in Sweden (The RefugeesWellSchool Trial): study protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial. Trials, 22(1), 1-13.

Courses Taught at Renison

PSYCH 101R - Introductory Psychology