SDS Peer Leaders

Your SDS peer leaders are here to support you and help you find university resources and people. 

You may connect with them by scheduling a virtual one-on-one meet-up. During a meet-up, you can chat about your personal and/or academic success, such as:
•    Study strategies, including textbook skim/scanning, notes reviews, test taking tips, and dealing with test anxiety
•    Time management support and helping you organize all of your assignments, tests, study time and personal commitments
•    Questions about life at UW and being a successful student
•    Conversations about mental health wellness and how to build healthy strategies into your day-to-day schedule
•    Just chat! Tired of talking to just your computer? So are we! We can talk about anything you like!

Some SDS Peer Leaders may be involved with the SDS Living Learning Community.

See more Renison Peer Leaders on SEAH's website.

Maya Ghion (she/her)

Supports: SDS first-year students, focus on residence students

Hometown: Toronto, ON

Fun fact: I love trying new foods, am in Honours Arts Co-op, and I like to do different hairstyles on myself.

First-Year Tip: Don't be afraid to reach out to your Advisors and Professors! It can be intimidating to reach out for support, but there are supports in the school that are for your use, so don't be afraid to reach out. 

Natalie Nichol (she/her)

Natalie Nichol

Supports: SDS first-year students, focus on residence students

Hometown: Atwood, ON

Fun fact: I live on a dairy farm!

First-year tip: Talk to your professors and TAs as they are very knowledgeable. It might be intimidating, but they really want to help you and are super friendly.

Deanna Rooke (they/them)

photo of Deanna

Supports: SDS first-year students, focus on mature/online-only/transfer students

Hometown: Waterloo, ON

Fun fact: The first music album I ever bought was Aerosmith's "Get A Grip"... on cassette.

First-year tip: Get involved and learn about all the resources available to help students succeed.