All first-year SDS students are part of the Living-Learning Community at Renison, and those who choose to live in residence get grouped into "clusters" of 8-16 students living within larger residence communities. This arrangement gives you the opportunity to live near classmates and meet people from other academic programs.
Whether you're staying up late to study for a test or getting together to work on a group project, it's reassuring to know that those around you are sharing similar experiences.
Community Benefits
- Live near peers who are taking similar classes - peers play a critical role in your support network
- Connect with a Peer Leader - an upper-year student who shares their experience with you and facilitates "academic check-ins"
- Establish networks with faculty, staff, alumni, and upper-year students from your program and faculty
- Enhance in-class learning by participating in academic events facilitated by your Peer Leader for all first-year SDS students (i.e. study skills sessions, writing help sessions, academic program information sessions)
- Participate in residence and campus-wide activities with students from a variety of academic portals
Peer Leaders
Peer Leaders are upper-year Social Development Studies students who share their experience with you and act as your link to resources and people on campus. Your Peer Leader will also organize programs that enhance your in-class learning and further develop skills such as teamwork, communication, problem solving, and critical thinking.
How to Join
If you're interested, you'll have the opportunity to select a Living-Learning community when you complete your Residence Community Ranking Form at uwaterloo.ca/housing/apply
When asked if you're interested in being part of a Living-Learning Community, indicate that you'd like to join the Social Development Studies Living-Learning Community
Read more about the Living-Learning Community at Renison.