Ph.D. (ABD), Wilfrid Laurier University - Social Work
M.S.W., Wilfrid Laurier University - Social Work
B.A. (Hons), Renison University College - Social Development Studies
Research interests
My dissertation research explored how transition-aged youth describe their experiences with residential treatment and youth justice services.
I published a critical review of the empirical evidence supporting the use of single session therapy and walk-in counselling in family service agencies.
Hymmen, P., Stalker, C.A. & Cait, C.-A. (2013). The case for single-session therapy: Does the empirical evidence support the increased prevalence of this service delivery model? Journal of Mental Health. 22(1), 60-71
Eckerle Curwood, S., DeGeer, I., Hymmen, P., & Lehmann, P. (2011). Using Strength-Based Approaches to Explore Pretreatment Change in Men Who Abuse Their Partners. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 26(13), 2698 –2715
Clinical experience
My clinical experience has predominantly occurred at mental health agencies that provide mandated treatment to youth involved with the justice system.
I have also worked in family counselling agencies, child and adolescent residential treatment programs and adult in-patient psychiatric treatment centres.
I am familiar with therapeutic interventions offered to adolescent boys who have commit a sexual offence, adult males who have perpetrated intimate partner violence, parents who are involved with post-divorce conflict and individuals from across the lifespan who struggle with emotion management.
Courses taught at Renison
SOCWK 120R Introduction to Social Work
SDS 150R Lifespan Processes
SDS 251R Social Research
My previous teaching experience includes Social Work Practice with Individuals and Families; Human Development Theory and Statistical Methods for Social Work Research