Aroyo, A. M., Pasquali, D. ., Kothig, A. ., Rea, F. ., Sandini, G. ., & Sciutti, A. . (2020). Perceived differences between on-line and real robotic failures. SCRITA’20 Workshop. Presented at the.
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Rossi, A. ., Dautenhahn, K. ., Koay, K. L., & Walters, M. L. (2020). How Social Robots Influence People's Trust in Critical Situations. IEEE RO-MAN. Presented at the.
Ghafurian, M. ., Lakatos, G. ., Tao, Z. ., & Dautenhahn, K. . (2020). Emotional Expressions of Miro, an Animal-like Robot: Design and Evaluation. International Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR). Presented at the.
Rossi, S. ., Rossi, A. ., & Dautenhahn, K. . (2020). The Secret Life of Robots: Perspectives and Challenges for a Robot s Behaviours During Non-Interactive Tasks. International Journal of Social Robotics.
Schaekermann, M. ., Beaton, G. ., Sanoubari, E. ., Lim, A. ., Larson, K. ., & Law, E. . (2020). Ambiguity-aware AI assistants for medical data analysis. CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Presented at the.
Kothig, A. ., Munoz, J. ., Mahdi, H. ., Aroyo, A. ., & Dautenhahn, K. . (2020). HRI Physio Lib: a Software Framework to Support the Integration of Physiological Adaptation in HRI. International Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR). Presented at the.
Hamid, O. ., Dautenhahn, K. ., & Nehaniv, C. L. (2020). Engineering Social Learning Mechanisms for Minimalistic Multi-agent Robots.
Chen, H. ., Cohen, R. ., Dautenhahn, K. ., Law, E. ., & Czarnecki, K. . (2020). Autonomous Vehicle Visual Signals for Pedestrians: Experiments and Design Recommendations. IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium. Presented at the.
Aliasghari, P. ., Dautenhahn, K. ., & Nehaniv, C. L. (2020). Simulations on Herding a Flock of Birds Away from an Aircraft using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. ALIFE: The Conference on Artificial Life. Presented at the.
Syrdal, D. S., Dautenhahn, K. ., Robins, B. ., Karakosta, E. ., & Jones, N. C. (2020). Kaspar in the wild: Experiences from deploying a humanoid robot in a school for children with autism. Paladyn- Journal of Behavioral Robotics.