2017 Publications

Book Chapters

  1. Kevin Milligan and Tammy Schirle (2017) Health capacity to work at older ages: Evidence from Canada In David A. Wise (Eds.), Social security programs and retirement around the world: The capacity to work at older ages ( ). Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press. (Project: 15-SSH-SWO-4249 / RDC(s): SWO)

Refereed Articles

  1. Jasmin Bhawra and Martin J. Cooke and Yanling Guo and Piotr Wilk (2017) The association of household food security, household characteristics and school environment with obesity status among off-reserve First Nations and Métis children and youth in Canada: results from the 2012 Aboriginal Peoples Survey Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada: Research, Policy and Practice37(3), 77 - 86. (Project: 13-SSH-SWO-3569 / RDC(s): SWO)
  2. Joniada Milla (2017) Updating higher education expectations and choices with learning Education Economics25(6), 640 - 658. (Project: 09-SSH-SWO-2079 / RDC(s): SWO, GUEL)
  3. Steven E. Mock and Emily Schryer (2017) Perceived support and the retirement expectations of sexual minority adults Canadian Journal on Aging / La Revue canadienne du vieillissement36(2), 170 - 177. (Project: 15-SSH-SWO-2344-R001 / RDC(s): SWO)
  4. Christopher J. Ryan and Scott Leatherdale and Martin Cooke (2017) Factors associated with current smoking among off-reserve First Nations and Métis youth: Results from the 2012 Aboriginal Peoples Survey Journal of Primary Prevention38(1), 105 - 119. (Project: 13-SSH-SWO-3569 / RDC(s): SWO)
  5. Anastasia Veeramani and Goretty M. Dias and Sharon I. Kirkpatrick (2017) Carbon footprint of dietary patterns in Ontario, Canada: A case study based on actual food consumption Journal of Cleaner Production162(September), 1398 - 1406. (Project: 17-SSH-SWO-5201 / RDC(s): SWO)
  6. Piotr Wilk and Alana Maltby and Martin Cooke (2017) Changing BMI scores among Canadian Indigenous and non-Indigenous children, youth, and young adults: Untangling age, period, and cohort effects Canadian Studies in Population44(1-2), 28 - 41. (Project: 15-INAC-UWO-4603, 17-SSH-SWO-3569-R001 / RDC(s): SWO, UWO)

Working Papers

  1. Zong Jia Chen and Mikal Skuterud (2017) The relative labour market performance of former international students: Evidence from the Canadian National Graduate Survey.CLEF Working Paper Series. (Project: 15-SSH-SWO-4396 / RDC(s): SWO)
  2. Stéphanie Lluis and Brian McCall (2017) Part-time work and crowding-out implications of employment insurance pilot initiatives.Waterloo Economics Series. (Project: 12-SSH-SWO-3088 / RDC(s): SWO)
  3. Joniada Milla (2017) The context-bound university selectivity premium.Insitute of Labor Economics (IZA) Working Paper Series. (Project: 09-SSH-SWO-2079 / RDC(s): SWO, GUEL)

Policy Reports

  1. Andres Arcila and Ana M. Ferrer and Tammy Schirle (2017) Occupational segregation, skills, and the gender wage gap Pay Equity Office, . (Project: 15-SSH-SWO-4518 / RDC(s): SWO)
  2. Amanda C. Jones and J. Lennert Veerman and David Hammond (2017) The health and economic impact of a tax on sugary drinks in Canada Canadian Cancer Society, Diabetes Canada, Childhood Obesity Foundation, Chronic Disease Prevention A, Waterloo, ON. (Project: 16-SSH-SWO-4860 / RDC(s): SWO)