Microsoft 365 Collaboration Tips for doing more with less

Wednesday, April 9, 2025 9:00 am - 10:00 am EDT (GMT -04:00)

Session Description

This presentation will provide an overview of the essential tools and strategies for effective teamwork using the Microsoft 365 tools. Focusing on practical tips for using MS Teams, OneDrive, Outlook and other applications to help you efficiently and effectively collaborate with others. This session aligns with the conference theme of "Working Together": 

  • Communicate Efficiently: Utilize Teams for streamlined communication, ensuring everyone stays connected and informed.
  • Share and Collaborate on Files: Understand the differences between OneDrive and Teams for file sharing, promoting collaboration whether working individually or as a group.
  • Edit Documents Together: Leverage real-time co-authoring in Word and Excel to enhance collaborative document creation and review.
  • Optimize Collaboration: Implement quick tips for efficient collaboration, such as using keyboard shortcuts, managing notifications, and setting expiration dates for shared links.

By mastering these essential tips, attendees will be better equipped to work together harmoniously, improving their productivity and fostering a collaborative work environment.

Learning Outcomes:

  1. How to make collaboration easier for you and your colleagues, no matter where you are located or when you are online!
  2. Understand the differences between OneDrive and Teams  
  3. Explore the various tools and services that are part of M365 (Loop, To Do)

Session Structure:

Lecture-style presentation with optional Q&A 

Waterloo Values:

Working Together


  • Stephen Markan, Senior Consultant, IST Client Services, Information Systems and Technology 
  • Riley Butler, Consultant, IST Client Services, Information Systems and Technology 
  • Netzach Straker, Consultant, IST Client Services, Information Systems and Technology