Resilience for the Future Using the LEGO Serious Play Method​​

Tuesday, April 8, 2025 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

Session Description

The workshop will introduce the concept of resilience by defining personal resilience and encouraging participants to reflect on the University of Waterloo Values and the future of work. Participants will be sub-divided into groups with a set of LEGO bricks that will be used to co-create an elephant that will then be subject to changing conditions. Upon the completion of the activity, participants will reflect on their constructed elephant, and will be prompted with guiding questions on how resilience comes into play and how they imagine incorporating this activity into how they work to uphold the Waterloo Values from their respective roles. This workshop is inspired by the theme Resilience through Play at the International LEGO Serious Play conference in Billund, Denmark, 2023, and adapts an activity on resilience to engage workshop participants to find their own ways to introduce resilience into personal and technical contexts.  

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Learn about resilience through play using LEGO bricks following the LEGO Serious Play method.
  2. Reflect on personal and technical resilience to imagine ways of incorporating resilience into the future of their roles and upholding the Waterloo Values.  
  3. Use hands-on activities in active learning by creating models and metaphors for storytelling.

Session Structure:

Experiential workshop 

Waterloo Values:

Thinking Differently; Acting with Purpose; Working Together


Nadine Ibrahim, Associate Professor, Teaching Stream, ​​Civil & Environmental Engineering​