VR for Workplace Wellbeing: A Collaborative Initiative in Campus

Tuesday, April 8, 2025 11:00 am - 12:00 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

Session Description

Spending time in nature has been shown to positively impact personal wellbeing, but we don’t always have access to natural spaces. Research is demonstrating that VR nature immersion can provide similar positive effects. The Conflict Management Office (CMO), with support from the Staff Enhancement Fund (SEF), is bringing these benefits to Waterloo staff with the VR for Workplace Wellness initiative. This initiative has placed three Meta Quest 2 headsets in each of the Dana Porter and Davis Centre libraries preloaded with the Nature Treks VR app.  These are available for University of Waterloo staff to sign out for one-hour intervals, allowing you to explore tropical beaches, green fields, underwater oceans, outer space, and more. Research supporting VR as a wellness initiative, new 2025 updates, and feedback to date will be shared.  All six VR headsets will be present so that those who wish can try the Nature Treks app.  

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Understand the research that underpins the VR for Workplace Wellbeing initiative.
  2. Reflect on the impact of the initiative to date.
  3. Discuss potential future directions.
  4. Engage with the VR experience, if participants wish.

Session Structure:

Experiential workshop 

Waterloo Values:

Working Together


Lynn Long, ​​Senior Education and Learning Specialist​, ​​Conflict Management Office​