Yuying Huang greased the wheels of a poster presentation

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Yuying Huang used multiple linear regression to investigate associations between academic assessments the University of Waterloo (UWaterloo) Doctor of Phamacy (PharmD) program, success rates on the Pharmacy Examining Board of Canada (PEBC) Qualifying Exam, and performances on PharmD clinical rotations. Snippets of her work were shown in the poster "Associations between academic performance in a PharmD program using a co-operative education model and practice readiness milestones" presented at the Canadian Pharmacy Education and Research Conference 2023. This conference was organized by the Association of Faculties of Pharmacy of Canada.

This collaborative work is led by Ali Syed (School of Pharmacy), Sarah Moroz (York University), John Pugsley (Pharmacy Examining Board of Canada), Nancy Waite (School of Pharmacy) and Sherilyn Houle (School of Pharmacy).

A poster depicting Associations between academic performance in a PharmD program using a co-operative education model and practice readiness milestones.

About Yuying Huang

Yuying Huang is a second-year Ph.D. student at the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science. She is currently a student consultant at the Statistical Consulting and Collaborative Research Unit. Her research focus includes spatial analysis, Bayesian statistics, and machine learning in big data applications.