The University of Waterloo's 2020-2025 Strategic Plan charts a course to connect talent and knowledge to the real world.
We built our plan on a broad consultation process, framed by evidence and research, to identify three impact action themes, 11 goals, and 41 objectives that will drive our vision to connect imagination with impact.
This website provides important information about our strategic plan including our overall plan, planning process and initiatives, and how we are measuring our progress and outcomes. Email us for more information.
Our strategic plan is led by our President Vivek Goel, with the Vice President Academic and Provost James Rush and the executive leadership team responsible for implementing the plan across all our faculties and academic support units.
Waterloo used an integrated implementation planning process to identify how to achieve the strategic plan goals. It included input from faculties, academic support units and university-wide task forces, and is being operationalized by three impact action themes.
Learn more about operationalizing Waterloo's strategic plan.
We are accountable to our community for our progress on reaching our strategic goals. Waterloo reports our progress and outcomes annually in October.
Learn more about the University of Waterloo's commitment to accountability.