Corporate matching gifts


There are hundreds of companies in North America that match charitable gifts to University of Waterloo.

If you work for a matching gift company, your contribution could have twice the impact for our students.


Canadian Union of Public Employees (C.U.P.E.) Local 793 Award Fund

The contribute to this fund, you must be a C.U.P.E. Local 793 union employee (or a spouse, child or grandchild of a C.U.P.E. Local 793 employee).

Recipients of these awards are involved in community activities, have a B average or higher and have a demonstrated financial need. The amount of each undergraduate award varies between $500 and $1,000, and the value and number of awards will increase as funds permit.

Retiree Scholarhsip

University of Waterloo Retirees' Scholarship Fund

The University will match all donations to this fund. Undergraduate students who qualify are full-time students entering their first year who have an admission average of 80 per cent or higher, and have not been awarded a University of Waterloo scholarship or award of larger value. Awards are based on academic merit and rotate through the faculties on a year-to-year basis.

Ontario scholarship

Ontario Graduate Scholarships (OGS)

Triple the impact of your gift! The Ontario Government offers a 2 to 1 match for your donation to OGS. Your gift can be directed to any faculty OGS fund. For every dollar awarded (up to $5,000 per award), the Ontario Government will add twice that amount (up to $10,000 per award).

Research scholarship

Matching opportunities for research partnerships and collaborations

Companies investing in the University of Waterloo may enjoy significant matching government funding for joint University-corporate initiatives. Funding program opportunities are available.


Questions? We can help

For more information on our Matching Gift Programs, contact Tracy Glidden.