
Gifts in-kind

The University of Waterloo encourages and appreciates gifts-in-kind. Through gifts in kind, supporters may enhance a University of Waterloo collection, enrich our students’ educational experience and help further our mission.

How it works in-kind

How it works

A gift-in-kind is defined by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a gift of tangible property such as books and collections, equipment, company products or real estate. A gift that is transferred to the University without expectation of benefit is considered charitable in nature and may qualify for a tax receipt. Please note that Gifts of Service are not eligible for a charitable income tax receipt.


Acceptance Policy

Before accepting a gift-in-kind, the gift will be reviewed to see if it meets the University’s needs. The University of Waterloo may decline a gift that does not further the university’s goals or that involves special maintenance or conditions that the university would be unable to satisfy.

Canada Revenue Agency regulates the receiving and receipting of gifts-in-kind. The donor will be asked to acquire the fair market value applicable at the time of the gift and to provide the University with acceptable documentation such as receipts, invoices or third party appraisals of the items donated.

Questions? We can help

Contact Sophia Reid

Learn more about making a gift-in-kind donation to the Library.