Central Questions

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Central Questions ™

Welcome to The Central Questions Station™

Throughout the development of the production of TomorrowLove, all team members are asked to reflect on a series of questions at specific moments in the creative process. The following are examples of this work. 

Pre-Production Reflection

What is the central question of the work and how is it addressed in the title?

  • How might tomorrow’s technologies impact our way of solving and discovering conflict in relationships?
  • What isn’t present in our relationships and how can technological advancement help us find what's missing?
    • TomorrowLove™ explores intimate relationships and the ways that a near-future technology can change it.
  • How do humans cope with complicated emotions of love with the use of emerging technologies?
    • This is addressed by the term 'tomorrow' being placed before 'love', suggesting the characters will use their understandings, and aspirations of their futures to navigate their relationships before relying on their own intuitions.
  • Are the upcoming developments in our future going to change society’s definition of love?
    • Technology will influence the new definitions of love.
  • How does our love for ourselves and others adapt to the growth of intimacy in technology?
    • People have intimate relationships with each other, and the technology in their everyday lives, so this question addresses the effect each has on the other
  • What roles will tech play in our relationships?
    • Will we erase our scars? Will love become too fast for us to handle?
  • How can we gauge the potential effects of these changes within our environment?
    • Innovations in technology are produced out of practical needs. These innovations may possibly be creating or revealing unknown issues within our society’s psyche.