Join our Ph.D student, Emily Oakes, currently studying at the Tri-U through Wilfrid Laurier University for this lecture, part of the Military Lecture Series.
Emily Oakes’ presentation will examine how the soldier-horse relationship functioned in the Canadian Expeditionary Forces and its effects on the soldiers, such as J.E.B. Seely or John McCrae, who wrote about their bonds with their horses.
Horses and mules were essential to the ability of the Canadian Expeditionary Forces to operate in the First World War. Equines hauled supplies, ammunition, artillery, as well as acted as cavalry. Working alongside each other across the Western Front, soldiers developed relationships with their equine charges.
“We Both Survived”: The Soldier-Horse Relationship in the Canadian Expeditionary Forces During the First World War takes place Thursday, March 23, 2023 at 7 pm. The lecture premieres both in-person at the Civic Museum, and online via the Museum’s Facebook livestream. The recorded conversation will be available on Facebook, YouTube, and our Museum Everywhere Portal after the event. To attend the conversation in-person, registration is required through Eventbrite.
Guelph Museums works in partnership with the LSCS to host the Military Lecture Series of which this event is a part.
“Vimy” and its Mother. The foal was born on the height from which it takes its name. (20th Bty., C.F.A.) July, 1917. 3395275, Dept. of National Defence/Library and Archives Canada.