New Tri-U Graduate Students Association (TUGSA) co-presidents were chosen earlier this Fall 2022. The Tri-U is excited by the ideas and commitment the new team has to bring a deeper sense of community to the Tri-U.

The new co-presidents represent different facets of the program at both MA and PhD levels.
MA Student, Jake McIvor, focuses on critical masculinity studies in relation to climate change and geoengineering in the Collaborative Specialisation of Gender, Sexuality, and Bodies at the University of Guelph. A graduate of Guelph's undergraduate program, he was accepted to the MA program in Fall 2022.
PhD candidate Catherine Ramey (top right) based at the University of Waterloo, researches the gendering of the curricula in Canadian missionary schools in Angola between 1880 and 1920. She has additional research interests in women and gender history, the history of education, African history, Indigenous history, and critical race theory. She joined the program in 2021 and recently successfully completed her comprehensive exams.
Wilfrid Laurier University PhD candidate Kess Carpenter (bottom left) also joined the program in 2021 and also recently successfully completed the comprehensive exams. Kess' research investigates the significance of pornography in culture, and in the lives of those who consumed it, during the Cold War in North America. Their broader research interests include American history, the history of sexuality, racial history, film, media, music, art, and cultural history.
The mandate of TUGSA is to support the social, academic, and professional concerns of its membership, made up of all part-time and full-time students registered in the MA and PhD programs of the Tri-U.
TUGSA works to develop a joint student community among the three campuses, often by organizing or co-sponsoring events. For example they are planning a hike on the Aboyne Trails in Central Wellington near the Wellington County Museum and Archives on a November week-end.
Elections for presidents take place each year between September 1 and 30 with the terms of office running from October 1 to September 30 of the following year. Each campus elects their representative to TUGSA. Updates about TUGSA and its activities are made through emails and social media.