Christine Green

PhD student
Christine Green

Pronouns: she/they

Home University: University of Waterloo


Education: HBA, Lakehead; BEd, Lakehead, MA History, Lakehead.

Research Fields: Canadian History, Gender History, History of Education, Childhood, and Youth

Supervisor: Jane Nicholas

Christine Green completed both her BA (Hons) in History with specializations in Public History and Military History, and her MA in History that focused on Indigenous representations in Northwestern Ontario community museums, at Lakehead University. She also holds a Bachelors of Education from Lakehead that certifies her to teach grades 7 to 12 in mathematics and history education. Her doctoral research at Waterloo focuses on examining policy surrounding, and the experiences of, rehomed children. She is interested in the history of education, childhood, and youth more broadly and has written several newspaper articles on local history in Thunder Bay as well as publishing an article on inclusive math education. Christine is an Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) recipient and has previously held a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) grant. She is a 2023 recipient of the Provost Doctoral Entrance Award for Women and the Dan Watt Scholarship at Waterloo.