Home University: University of Guelph
Email: cfloros@uoguelph.ca
Education: BA Politics, University of Bedfordshire (UK); MA International Security Studies, University of Reading (UK)
Twitter: @CAFloros
Research Fields: Cold War Era, Modern European, Sports
Supervisor: Alan McDougall
Christos Floros is a PhD Candidate in the Department of History at the University of Guelph. He holds a BA (Hons) in Politics from the University of Bedfordshire (UK), and a MA (Merit) in International Security Studies from the University of Reading (UK). Christos’ research focuses on Cold War and post-Cold War Sports History, especially the way basketball successes helped in the evolution of societies during the late 1980s and the early 1990s in Southern and Eastern Europe. His broader research interests include the connection between soccer and dictatorships in the second half of the 20th century, and the history of doping in sports. He is also interested in the history of espionage and terrorism. In addition to his doctoral research, Christos is an English-Greek translator and a co-owner of Lingua Greca Translations.