Home University: University of Guelph
Email: gschreib@uoguelph.ca
Education: BA History, Taylor University (USA); MA History, Sam Houston State University (USA); MLitt, Reformation Studies, University of St. Andrews (Scotland)
Research Fields: Early Modern European; Scottish; Reformation
Supervisor: Susannah Ferreira
A late medieval/early modern historian, Grant Schreiber received his BA in history from Taylor University, an MA in history from Sam Houston State University, and an MLitt (with distinction) from the University of St Andrews where he did his thesis on society, politics and economics in post-Reformation Perth, Scotland. His research is a comparative analysis of early modern Scotland and England and the social, political, and spatial changes stemming from the loss of monasteries and friaries in urban centres during and following the Reformation. He is specifically interested in tracing shifts in education, charity, social class and power structures, and usage of former monastic spaces and materials in new contexts.